TF-Pro Kit: How to measure chlorine daily with comparator block

I agree that the instruction cards that came with it leave a little to be desired, especially after I saw what was printed inside one of the Taylor test kits.

Nice job CWSWIFTY.

I agree the comparator block is hard to distinguish color levels and that is with 3 people each looking at it. It has also started getting water in between the 2 layers of plastic which doesn't help. I assumed I would be getting the best by purchasing the TF-Pro kit. Disappointed to find out otherwise.
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I agree that the instruction cards that came with it leave a little to be desired, especially after I saw what was printed inside one of the Taylor test kits.

Nice job CWSWIFTY.

I agree the comparator block is hard to distinguish color levels and that is with 3 people each looking at it. It has also started getting water in between the 2 layers of plastic which doesn't help. I assumed I would be getting the best by purchasing the TF-Pro kit. Disappointed to find out otherwise.
We certainly strive to be the best. Sounds like you have a defective comparator block, so shoot me an email at [email protected] and we can make it right for you.

New instructions coming soon! They’ll be printed on a synthetic material that’s waterproof, tear resistant, and heavier than the current laminated cards.
We certainly strive to be the best. Sounds like you have a defective comparator block, so shoot me an email at [email protected] and we can make it right for you.

New instructions coming soon! They’ll be printed on a synthetic material that’s waterproof, tear resistant, and heavier than the current laminated cards.
Just sent you an email. Thanks for the quick response :) and I look forward to the new instruction cards.
Wow, the things that get me excited! I always disliked the comparator in my Pro+salt kit. So much, that I kept using the one from my really old LaMotte kit (before the optical gadgets). Drop a Phenol Red tablet into their tube, let it dissolve, put the tube into their visual comparator, and get a more precise (.2 step) pH reading. But my supply of their tabs is old, and running out.
Will upgrade right away - then I can throw out the LaMotte comparator and tubes that I try to jam into the TF kit case....the rest of the LaMotte kit is long gone!

Looks like TFKits also abandoned the pH meter they used to sell. Mine never really worked all that well, so it went away also.
Looks like TFKits also abandoned the pH meter they used to sell. Mine never really worked all that well, so it went away also.
I bought this pH meter to try out and have been shocked by its stability and accuracy. It comes with buffer solutions to do a 3 point calibration (4.0, 7.0 & 10.0 pH). I also ordered some 8.2 buffer solution for periodic spot checks near the pH level I'm most interested in. Since purchasing the meter on May 8th, performing weekly spot checks and the meter reads 8.20 every time except once and it read 8.21. Clearly we don't need 1/100th accuracy but nevertheless it is very impressive. Looks like it's on sale now for $72.

I bought this pH meter to try out and have been shocked by its stability and accuracy. It comes with buffer solutions to do a 3 point calibration (4.0, 7.0 & 10.0 pH). I also ordered some 8.2 buffer solution for periodic spot checks near the pH level I'm most interested in. Since purchasing the meter on May 8th, performing weekly spot checks and the meter reads 8.20 every time except once and it read 8.21. Clearly we don't need 1/100th accuracy but nevertheless it is very impressive. Looks like it's on sale now for $72.

Do you just put the meter directly in the pool or use one of the tubes that come in the TFkit? I have already picked I’m the 2000 series comparator and it was way better than the one the one in the kit
Do you just put the meter directly in the pool or use one of the tubes that come in the TFkit? I have already picked I’m the 2000 series comparator and it was way better than the one the one in the kit
When testing my pool's pH I've tried it both ways. Using my sample water from elbow deep that I put in a small container or stick the meter directly in the pool and wait for the smiley face (stability indicator). The difference is negligible (in the hundredths) so I normally stick it in the pool. When spot checking the calibration I pour some of the 8.20 pH buffer solution into one of the small plastic containers that comes with the Apera pH 60. The Apera has definitely helped me to calibrate my eyes when using the comparator block.
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When testing my pool's pH I've tried it both ways. Using my sample water from elbow deep that I put in a small container or stick the meter directly in the pool and wait for the smiley face (stability indicator). The difference is negligible (in the hundredths) so I normally stick it in the pool. When spot checking the calibration I pour some of the 8.20 pH buffer solution into one of the small plastic containers that comes with the Apera pH 60. The Apera has definitely helped me to calibrate my eyes when using the comparator block.
Thx for the feedback as well as the test instruction pdf.

The PH test to me has so far been a guessing game as well as the CYA test. I went ahead and ordered the PH60. Was considering the PH20 to save a little money but would have been the same cost after ordering the calibration solution kit.
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Thx for the feedback as well as the test instruction pdf.

The PH test to me has so far been a guessing game as well as the CYA test. I went ahead and ordered the PH60. Was considering the PH20 to save a little money but would have been the same cost after ordering the calibration solution kit.
Here's where I sourced the 8.20 buffer solution in case you're interested.

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Haha no fair those are easy! I keep winding up somewhere in the 7.5 - 7.8 range, where that orange (I’d call it) at 7.2 is gone and I’m left guessing “how pink?”

Last test my $9 pH meter read 7.38 but I’d say the color read 7.8. Neither reading is terrible news of course but that’s a pretty big gap!
Haha no fair those are easy! I keep winding up somewhere in the 7.5 - 7.8 range, where that orange (I’d call it) at 7.2 is gone and I’m left guessing “how pink?”

Last test my $9 pH meter read 7.38 but I’d say the color read 7.8. Neither reading is terrible news of course but that’s a pretty big gap!
The pictures were to demonstrate the lit background and I can assure you even in the mid 7's with good lighting your can see color and how it compares to which level.
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