Pool Leak

Feb 20, 2018
Crowley la
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Hayward Salt & Swim 3C
We had a new liner installed and I did not try running our pool before which looks like that was a mistake. I have 2 skimmers and 6 jets, I have a couple of issues going on, first is I couldn’t get all of the air out of my pump I am seeing air bubbles in the pump and out of the return jets. I did a home made air pressure test and it looks like each of my suction lines has a slight leak. The first day I ran the pump overnight I noticed water under the liner. I am getting water through all of the jets. I believe I may have a leak on the return line.

I don’t see any obvious water leaks I have a cement deck around the pool. I checked my fittings at the pump on both suction and return side and I didn’t see any leaks.

We have had a lot of rain until today so I am doing water bucket test tonight with all jets and returns plugged. I don’t think we have a liner leak, we had an issue at first but I figured it out.

I called American leak detection and another local leak company but I haven’t heard back from them it has been a few days. I believe my return line is leaking but can’t confirm. I ordered a dye kit it will be here tomorrow. I also ordered a bottle of Fox A Leak I was thinking of using not sure if I want to use that yet, I thought of isolating each suction line and using a submersible pump to run the fix a leak through instead of running through the entire system since I don’t have a main drain.
Will a pool loose a lot of water from a suction side leak?

Any advice would be appreciated

Don’t use the fix a leak, it’s a miracle band aid that is neither a miracle nor a band aid. Pursue the appropriate channels and efforts to find and fix any leaks correctly.
I finally got through with American leak detection they are coming tomorrow. I won’t use the fix a leak I am glad I didn’t try it yet.

Thanks Ryan
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