Pentair Intellitouch Board(s)

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What needs to be evaluated on your board?

@ogdento has done repairs to his system.
Welcome to TFP.

What needs to be evaluated on your board?

@ogdento has done repairs to his system.
it has lost all communication to pumps, light etc. I have changed cables, reseated things - all the normal easy stuff. I have i9+3 and then i10 extension. There are 5 pumps on this pool. 3 variable speed and 2 - 3HP all Pentair. What's really weird is when I toggle to service mode I can press the button clean pump is on and it will cycle the pump, yet when i manually press button for pool lights - nothing happens.
There are 5 pumps on this pool. 3 variable speed

How are the VS pumps connected to power and controlled?

Are the VS pumps connected to RS-485 connectors in the IntelliTouch?

and 2 - 3HP all Pentair.

Single speed pumps are controlled using high voltage relays.

What's really weird is when I toggle to service mode I can press the button clean pump is on and it will cycle the pump,

Press which button on where?

yet when i manually press button for pool lights - nothing happens.

Have you checked the GFCI for the lights?

I think you have a few different problems for your VS pumps, your AUX relays, and possibly your lights.
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