Pentair GloBrite replacement


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2021
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Pentair Intellichlor IC-40
Thanks for your feed back. I am willing to create another version if you can give me feed back on a better design. I can typically get a prototype
within 2 weeks and a production version within a month. If you used the silicone adapter I definitely want feedback.
They are. It will work on a flat pool wall surface quite well. Do be ware the lights are about 6" in diameter so much bigger than the Globrite. And they also put out a lot more light.

Moved from here.
Hi @flaled, @mknauss,

Thanks for your feedback and suggestions regarding the Pentair GloBrite situation.

I'm considering to change the Pentair GloBrite lights for the Pool Tone lights from Florida Sunseeker.

Please, may I have your feedback regarding the wall surface taking in consideration the attached pictures?

IMG_9853.jpg IMG_9852.jpg

Please, be aware there is one light (IMG_9854.jpg) installed near an edge in the wall. How could be mount the pool tone light?

Your situation the Pool Tone lights should work just fine. They are about 6" in diameter (the portion in the pool. So looks like you have room above the step, etc. But I would be sure you have at least 4" from the center of the Globrite in all directions.

If you control the lights via Pentair automation, the colors/themes will likely not much up with the Pool Tone lights installed.
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Your situation the Pool Tone lights should work just fine. They are about 6" in diameter (the portion in the pool. So looks like you have room above the step, etc. But I would be sure you have at least 4" from the center of the Globrite in all directions.

If you control the lights via Pentair automation, the colors/themes will likely not much up with the Pool Tone lights installed.
But if you replace all your lights with these you could control the lights with the Pentair automation and color features just like you do with the globrites?
thank you
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