Pasadena Pool Build by Owner (from concept to cracks to water)

I just love the way your pool turned out and I especially love the way your orange tree is situated. We are in Pasadena too, and are 5 weeks into our build. The difference is we are not nearly as brave (or educated in this stuff) as you are, so we hired a PB who is working out well for us. However, we ran into a big problem with the city inspector who said we have to replace our entire shared property line walls, shared with 2 of our neighbors. He feels the walls are not structurally sound. We disagree but it doesn't seem as though there's any use in arguing further (I'm completely afraid to anger him considering he needs to sign off on more inspections). Did you get your perimeter fence checked out before you started your build?

Using a pump to wet the shotcrete with recycled water was brilliant. We used a bucket. LOL. We also used the hose, but for the extra doses of water, we used a bucket. I'm sorry to hear you got drought shamed on the neighborhood forum, but it's not surprising. I feel totally confident we are saving water in the long run because our backyard was a huge lawn, more than half of which no longer needs watering. And thank goodness El Nino is expected this winter!
Would you share more info on your issues w your inspector determining you had to rebuild your property line walls? What was the reason given? Also if you were happy with your PB would love a referral. I live in Silverlake in the hills in Los Angeles.
Hi tfireball1, I hope this isn't considered hijacking a thread, but I'll be brief just in case. You can PM me for more details if you'd like. The property line wall problem worked out after a lot of stress and too much wasted time thanks to my PB. My PB finally got a hold of the city's chief inspector to have him come out and look at the problem himself since we all felt very strongly the walls were structurally sound. The chief told us to add some reinforcement in certain spots, and gave us detailed instructions on how to do so. My PB drew up & submitted the plans for the reinforcement, and of course they were approved since the chief inspector said it's what we needed to do, and we followed the precise instructions. It ended up costing an extra $1,900, and I was happy to pay it! We dodged a bullet.

Unfortunately, as much as I sing the praises of our PB (Masterpiece Pools in Yorba Linda, CA), they've decided to not come out as far as Pasadena anymore, which means they will won't go out as far as Silver Lake either. It's too bad because we loved them, as did the 3 other families in our area that hired them along side us to do their builds.
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