My Latest and best way to dissovle CYA,


LifeTime Supporter
Mar 10, 2013
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Pentair Intellichlor IC-60
I have always had difficulty getting CYA to easily dissolve. I have done socks in the skimmer but that messed up my ph probe readings. I did socks attached to my return jet, but that had to be often repeated. I finally used the liquified CYA last year, but that was unpleasantly expensive.

This year I used a small bucket, added dry CYA to the bottom, filled it toward the top with warm water and blended thoroughly with a hand held food mixer similar this one:
After blending for a while I poured the liquid off the top through a fine strainer and repeated a few times always leaving the sludge in the bottom and returnig what the strainer held to the bucket. Whatever sludge was left the first day I left in warm water overnight and repeated the next day.
In 72 H my CYA went from unreadable to just over 30 PPM where I keep it. This was the fastest I have had with dry CYA.

Hope this helps someone.
Put it in a thin sock. Put it in the skimmer with pump running or hang on a stick in front of a return.
You're trying to hard. It takes longer in the spring with cool water up north. Let it soak for a full day and if it doesn't squish right out, let it go another day. There's no rush, especially with low UV loss right now.
Ahh another fellow impatient person. I just added cya in a tshirt recently (saw a @Newdude post and was not able to sacrifice a sock this time). I let it hang in front of the return and set a timer for 20 minutes. At the 10 minute mark I went back outside and started squeezing. I yelled to Alexa to stop my timer because I cannot be bothered to wait the next 10 minutes. Altogether in 30 minutes the cya was dissolved. I then brushed around any remaining particles and turned on the robot vacuum for 2 hours. Then once I couldn’t see anything me and my kid got in the pool and had a great time. Anyhow, there’s lots of ways to get it done.
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