I knew I was Pool Stored when...

I didn't mention that those pics were taken right over the trash can the card went in, immediately after taking them!

Also, y'all are ruthless! And I love it.

They did have a coupling piece I needed when I redid the filter plumbing last month. So they have that going for them I guess.
If you take that route, you'll be SUPER disappointed when you find that you are in the very wrong Manhattan!

Instead, fly to LA, then hop a flight over to either Dallas or Chicago, then take that to Manhattan Regional Airport and carpool with @JamesW

That would have been disappointing, thanks for that!

You all will be more than welcome to come swim in my own trouble-free pool after class. But I'll ask you to please check your chemical purchases at the door; I don't want that in MY water!

If enough show up, I'll pull the Christmas lights back out and hang them along the fence again, and wear my Cousin Eddie leopard-print speedo.

That will be fun. I remember your Eddie Speedos from your X-mas in July pics - awesome!
Now all I want is a cousin Eddie leopard speedo. I will ask July Santa to bring me one.
Here ya go:

Yes, I ordered it from Europe, as soon as we discussed the Christmas in July party in April of last year. I wanted it to be as close to authentic as I could find, and not be worried about a $12 Amazon special falling apart.
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Yep, they got me. Long post incoming.

I inherited an aboveground pool, bought a house in the fall of 2021. I live in Northern Ohio if anyone's wondering. Pool sat neglected by previous owners, not sure for how long. One silver lining is I had a friend who had a pool before that was able to help me find a pump that goes with the filter system, and set everything up. I didn't even know where to start in terms of setting up a pump and filter system. But this friend also used the poolstore philosophy when it comes to chemicals, telling me I need a chlorinator and chlorine pucks. The stores also got me for phosphate remover, clarifier, algaecide, cal-hypo shock, test kit that I don't even use anymore, and probably some other things I don't even remember.

The first season two years ago was such a struggle. I shocked the pool with cal-hypo shock probably six times!! :oops: Each time the pool seemed to get a little clearer and clearer, but there was still visible green algae that would come up when I scrubbled the bottom. I was getting frustrated. Then.... my liner all of a sudden got a hole in it that was too large to repair and I lost all my water. :oops:. The fact this happened might be a both a blessing and a curse. I'm not sure how old the liner was but it sure wasn't new. If the liner hadn't gone bad, I don't even want to think of how I would have gotten the water to clear up for that first season (maybe I would have discovered TFP/SLAM then, who knows). My struggles to get the water clear if I had to guess were a combination of so much crud caked onto the bottom of the old liner, combined with not having the correct FC/CYA ratio consistently. Once I got the new liner installed with fresh water I was able to scrape through that season on the chlorine pucks. I think I first discovered TFP at some point during this season but had not taken the time to fully research the TFPC method.

Fast forward to last season, still using cal-hypo shock, shocked it a few times, pool just isn't clearing up. One problem is I didn't have any CYA in the pool, UGH. Another problem is my brand new hayward pump would not start properly!! I actually found a workaround solution here on TFP, although I can't find the thread. It was about this time I started visiting TFP more and reading the articles on pool school. I decided to give it a chance. Ordered a TF-100 test kit, got CYA in the pool, did a slam. The water came clear and it absolutely saved my pool season!! Due to delays with figuring out the pump problem I didn't even get the pool opened until late July, but I enjoyed the time I got. Image of my pool after the SLAM was complete.

I sold my chlorinator and now only use liquid chlorine. I may upgrade to an SWG at some point. I am currently performing a SLAM to get my pool ready for this summer, and things are going great so far. Yesterday I threw away a bunch of stuff I had bought from the pool stores and will never use. Stuff I named in the first paragraph above. Not only was I "stored", I was also "poolcoursed". Before that first season, I was searching online for info and I came across an online video series that this so-called expert sells. I think it was something like $75 for the whole course. I won't name it because I don't want to advertise for them. While much of the info in thise course was good, it probably didn't tell me a single thing I couldn't have learned from TFP for free. And in terms of chemicals, yep it repeats the same stuff the pool stores do. I so wish I had discovered TFP then and use that as my resource, instead of wasting my money on this video course and all the pool store Crud. But at least now on the dawn of pool season #3 for me I have found a much better way, and I will never waste my money with them again. If there is one silver living, at least I had that friend to help get my going pump and filter wise, and did it free of charge. Without him, I would have needed to hire a professional, and that would have been even more hundreads spent on top of everything else.

I am so thankful for TFP and everyone who helps make this such a great resource. THANK YOU. I seriously need to become a supporter.
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I knew it AFTER this all happened...
Normally -- the people in my local "________" chain are pretty darn good, as far as I can tell - rarely convince me to buy anything and usually give me good advice.
But there was a different guy in there -- he seems like an "old pro"
He tested my water and said you desperately need to get your water hardness up.
Never before have I heard that - but I did not doubt him.
The test readout said I needed 50 pounds of Hardness Up -- when I groaned at the price, he recommended starting with 25. Make sure I mix it in water first -- then add it.
I did.
1 week later -- I have had to drain my pool to the bottom of the skimmer 4 times and refill it by hose [sadly - the non-stop rain we had been having slowed to a trickle]
Still -- while my water looks like a beautiful shade of blue -- you cannot see through it because it's so darn cloudy.

I went back to the store - he was not there - my usual people were and rolled their eyes when I told them the story. Said just keep emptying and refilling until the hardness drops.
It has dropped - significantly - but still oh so cloudy.
The Hardness Up cost me $37+ tax
My water bill has yet to be revealed.
At the time, did not know I was pool stored, this was back in the late 1980s. We bought a house with an inground pool. With a Hayward chlorinator - a large, vase-shaped turquoise thing for trichlor tabs. I purchased a large bucket of them. Religiously brought my samples to the store ( a mighty 40 minute schlepp btw) and was consistently showing low pH. Buying lots of pH up. Then began the algae fight. So lots of algaecide purchased. They told me it was acid rain. Following year they said it was the pine trees in the yard.

But that pool store didn't really stock parts for inground pool systems, primarily above ground. I needed something that required a trip to another store over an hour away. Chatting with the lady owner there, I mentioned my ongoing algae fight asked what she recommended for algaecide. I'll never forget her reply - if you use the right amount of chlorine, you don't need algaecide. Huh?!!?

Sometime in the next few years I discovered the prelude to trouble free pool (Ben?) and began the BBB protocol. Things have been looking up since then.
I have a few tidbits. Nothing major but...

1.) "Don't bother with solar covers they don't do anything. You don't need it."

2.) "You can't do salt water in an above ground pool."

3.) "The Frog System is all you need."

4.) (testing with basic tests strips, not even measuring CYA), "Your chlorine is way too high, you should probably just drain it and refill."

5.) (shorted me the skimmer basket on initial delivery), went to store and... "We don't have those in stock, will be about a week". Meanwhile, Ocean State Job Lot has a ton of them.

6.) Pool included steps and ladder. But I was going to build a deck. Asked if I could use the stairs I got but with a deck, and they had no idea what they were talking about. Told me to velcro the steps to the stop rail using part of the ladder assembly. I ended up calling Main Access, the company that makes the steps I had, and turns out they had a deck conversion kit (basically just handrails and a little bracket. But the pool store that sells tons of these things, knew little to nothing about it.

I plan this year to just never deal with them unless I need a skimmer pole or some other large supply type thing. But I always dreaded going in there. Now with the TF-Pro test kit I'm thrilled to never have to walk in there with a water sample again and watch them use the same (or worse) test strips that I was already using and then tell me what I already knew.
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