Copper and CH

Yeah, that info doesn’t show up. You have to go under your user profile and edit the “Signature” tab. Add all the details there and it will append it to every post you make.

The stuff you add to the profile area is only used in your banner but, because of very limited space, the user banner usually only shows pool volume, surface type and method of chlorination.
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I was more concerned with the past, not recent. Heater damage would take many months to years.
Yes! Every single week we used pucks and powder, and clear blue liquid. We alternated weeks on stain and scale and a preventative algeacide. We were good about getting the water tested a couple times a month at the pool store, and we’d correct any problems identified.
Sounds like you added a bunch of copper (clear blue liquid) and likely took some copper from the heater.
Ok. So, here’s my plan: I contact the Jacks technician and get everything I need to treat the stains and eliminate the copper. Follow their instructions. Then I empty the pool as much as possible (half way again?) and refill and reheat. Then rebalance and address calcium hardness if needed last.

Does that sound correct?
The more you drain, the better off you will be. Both because of the copper and also the sulfamic acid which will disrupt your testing for quite some time.
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Jacks was closed when I called. So I’m sure this will not surprise you, but I went to another local store that sells Jacks Magic. They retested the water and my copper was zero. They had an entire chemistry bench and a lady who’s done this her whole career do the testing so I feel rather confident in that result. I bought the Jacks Magic stain treatment and will use that tomorrow. She said to stop the pump, treat the areas above the stains, wait 30 minutes and turn the pump back on. Does that sound correct? And do I need to lower the Ph first though as noted on the bottle? She didn’t mention that and tested my ph at 7.6.

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I went to Jacks website as recommended. When checking out, Jacks suggested I not order until I talk with a technical rep (they are closed) and suggested I buy from a local dealer. That’s why I went to that store. I’ll return it, and be done with that.

So what is the recommendation? Jacks #2? Buy it off Amazon? and just follow the instructions on the label?
Use the #2. Follow the directions. Do not circulate through your heater. It must be bypassed or another form of circulation must be used. Then drain the pool once the stains have lifted.

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