clear but smelly water


Well-known member
Jul 23, 2020
Durhamville, NY
Hello dear pool owners, We got a new vinyl liner last fall and filled it with city water from a hydrant. There was quite a bit of sediment that fell out but eventually that stopped. We balanced the water, then a pool company came to blow the lines and put in anti-freeze.
We just opened last week to sparkly water. I added dichlor to raise chlorine and add cya since I knew it closed around 30 and we had to add a bunch of water at opening. The water in the skimmer when we opened was a little slimy in a way I hadn't seen before so we cleaned it out well and got as much of the antifreeze out of the pool as possible.
The point is the water is very clear, the numbers are very good, and yet there is some kind of chemical smell- but not a chlorine/chloramine smell. It's not the small of the anti-freeze (and most of this did not go back into the pool). It's not a musty smell.
Do you have any ideas?
I haven't checked all numbers for a couple days but when last checked: CYA was 30 (should be about 40 now), ph 7.7, ALK 127, CHL 3
I have not changed my sand for probably 7 years.
Do you think this could help? And any guesses as to what is making this smell?
Thanks much.
Your signature shows a TF-100 test kit, but those numbers you posted are not from that. Could you post up a full set of test results from your own kit for us to base our advice on?
Here are my latest numbers from the kit:
Calcium 250
ALK between 130-140 (one more drop made it a bit deeper in color but it changed at 130)
CYA 25-30 (I was hoping for about 40 since adding the liquid CYA several days ago--fortunately still have some)
PH jumped up to I'd say 7.9, maybe almost 8.
CHL is at 2
Thanks for the input
You're flirting with minimums for FC. I'd suggest you raise to SLAM levels. It will likely take care of your smell concern.
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