They did excellent work. I was impressed with the pictures and their results! (Minus the skimmer tile surround). That looks like one happy little girl! Congrats on your pool and many happy days ahead enjoying it!
P.S. Hope your neighbors over the fence get some window treatments. !!!!
Thanks, they are still building that house. Contractor said they were going to put some trees in the back yard... hopefully they do, if not we will prob just make the fence a little higher.
Been done for awhile, just now took some pictures. Can't keep the kids out. 4 year old can swim all the way across already (lengthwise). Have to be a little more careful w/ the two year old.
Love your video and Ella swimming. Your pool is perfect for your space. I bet everyone wants to be outside now, soaking and playing. I love the gray decking and how it blends so well with the pool color.
Not yet, I'm sure they will when they get a little older. Have had a couple of falls from spillover into the pool though, nothing bad just scared the little ones.
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