Anyone heard of CaliMar salt cell to replace FusionSoft 1400 cell?


Well-known member
Oct 25, 2020
Denton, TX
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
I just noticed this salt cell (CaliMar) to replace the FSOFT1400 (r0503000) cell for way cheap.

Anyone have experience with it?

CaliMar® Replacement Salt Cell Compatible with Zodiac® Nature2® Fusion Soft 1400 System Model R0503000 | 40,000 Gallons | CMARCFS40-1Y​

It sells from PoolSupplyUnlimited....I don't have any experience with them. Link here: LINK
There are a few folks here with other Calimar cells/systems but I haven’t heard about that specific one.
It seems that particular one only has a 1 year warranty.
You might wish to contact them directly and inquire about the life span rating in hours or #/grams and compare that with the rating for the oem cell to determine if its worth the risk.
They are a brick & mortar warehouse located in Texas that have been very helpful when I have called to give me all the info they had about other calimar cells.
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