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  1. FloridaMan

    Cloudy Water after Stain Treatment and CYA Addition

    Hi, Been following the methods here for almost four years. In that time I've never had a cloudy pool or had any color whatsoever. Liquid, baking soda, acid only. When I had my pool resurfaced in 2020 (concrete) the ground water they used to fill it left a slight yellowing from the tannins. I...
  2. FloridaMan

    Cloudy Water When Adding Chlorine - Sequestrants

    Whenever I add any amount of chlorine (more than a cup or two) I instantly get a cloud. I have a metal problem, copper and iron, and regularly use sequestrants. I am assuming this is the root cause. Can someone explain to me why and how that works and how to attack those kinds of issues? I'd be...
  3. FloridaMan

    Post Resurfacing Green Tint Water

    Hello, We had our pool resurfaced a couple of weeks ago. It was done in a standard marcite finish. Due to some issues, we had to fill with both well and ground water (which was surprisingly clear). The guy started up the water with Jacks Magenta and Blue stuff, some additive to my sand filter...
  4. FloridaMan

    Heat Pump in Pool House - Air Circulation Best Practices?

    Hi all. I have a newly installed heat pump. It's in a partially walled off little pool house that also covers my equipment. It works great, but after doing some reading, it appears that this may not be very efficient as the covered Pavillion, even with plenty of air gets quite cold. My questions...
  5. FloridaMan

    Unable to Turn off Spa Waterfall to Heat

    Hello. I had a heat pump installed. My system runs off of one pump. In normal operation, the spillover from the spa is always running. I can't for the life of me figure out how to turn off the waterfall so that I can independently heat the spa. My issues: 1. I can obviously turn off the spa...