Build Started 7/14/2020

Decided on the lighter finish and darker tile. Going with parallax blue from NPT (have one other we are waiting on a sample, but pretty sure this is the one we will end up with). And Silver coping/decking.

Got the plumbing done today (crew of 3 was here for ~13 hours), hoping to get the rebar done tomorrow. Guess I understand a little more why pools are so $$$, quite a bit of work...
That is one of my fav tiles!!! Now you get to think about what color of grout you want to use. White will make each tile pop out where a gray with have them blend into each other. BOTH are very pretty! You can ask for grout sticks to help you see how each color looks.

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Yea Kim, I really like how the silver is sparkly. Should look good in the sun. Is white grout really hard to clean, or will it just turn into grey grout over time?
Got the rebar completed on Saturday. Poured the equipment pad and dropped of the correct decking today. Ordered tile on Friday... moving along. They are not sure when the gunite guys can come, hopefully soon.
The equipment pad seems really big, but I guess bigger is better. I didn't realize they were gone elevate it, but I guess that makes sense since it floods here pretty often.
What are the legs of the equipment platform on? Did they use pressure treated wood? How well build is the platform under the concrete?

Can you tell I am worried about that platform? I can see why they did it up like that but want to make sure it is done RIGHT.
They are wood pilings they drove into the ground. Wasn’t home when they did it so I’m not sure how long they are or any specs... but it’s the same thing the house is built on and the AC is on so I’m assuming it will be ok.
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SWEET!!! That looks great! Have you started bonding with it yet? aka watering it to help slow down the curing.

It is time for your set of links! The first set is all about what to do and ask about to get a great plaster job. The second set is all about how to care for your pool after you get the plaster.

Plaster links:
Ten Guidelines for Quality Pool Plaster Best one of all
All Plaster Finishes Should Last 20 Years
Not All Color Pigments are Good for Pools How to pick a good color for plaster.
A Plastering 'Watch List' | Professional Watershaping | Watershapes
Trouble Free Pool
Trouble Free Pool

Pool care links:
Print these out:
Pool School - Basic Pool Care Schedule
Pool School - Recommended Levels

Bookmark these:
Pool School - Recommended Pool Chemicals
Trouble Free Pool
Pool School - ABCs of Pool Water Chemistry

Now is also a good time to ask what test kit your PB will be providing so we can fill in any holes.

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If it was me I'd go on record with them the sloppy grout in the skimmer is not acceptable. Let them choose when to fix but don't release final payment 'till it's done. Communicate in writing and now on this. Don't wait 'til the end.

I hope this is helpful.

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Nicely optimized shape for your yard and very nice looking pool! Salt decision and the rest of your equipment choices are great as well. You'll benefit from these for years!


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