We Have a Winner! TFP Pool of the Month (February 2024); Theme - Equipment Pads

Texas Splash

Mod Squad
TFP Expert
LifeTime Supporter
Jun 22, 2014
Texas, San Antonio/Marion, South-Central Area
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool RJ-45 Plus
1. On the first of each month, a contest "theme" will be announced (i.e. water clarity, family fun, decking, custom features, lighting, scenery, etc)
2. Members have 10 days to UPLOAD ONE image for consideration; Photo must be related to the thread titled theme for that month.
3. Per general TFP rules, nothing profane, political, or insulting.
4. The first 10 days is the submission period. Posts are limited to ONE image ONLY. No discussion posts yet. This will make viewing much easier for all.
5. Days 11 - 15 the thread will be locked and is for voting only. No more uploads. Viewers now have a final opportunity to vote (or modify their selection) for their favorite upload.
6. Members are encouraged to use an emotion icon ("Like" or "Love") to vote for their favorite upload; it will be tough, but select only one favorite.
7. On day 16, emotion Likes/Loves will be tallied for a winner. In the event of a tie, we will create a poll on the thread to make a final selection.
8. Once a winner is announced, the thread will be unlocked and comments/discussions are welcomed. Winner and nominees can tell us all about their pool/photo/event.
9. A member can only be selected as winner once per calendar year.
10. Winner will receive a $50 gift certificate from tstestkits.net! Oh, and maybe some bragging rights. :poke:

This should be fun. Showcase your equipment pads. Let’s see those pics! Have fun and good luck to those who apply!
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As @JoyfulNoise said when he first saw this...

"Hopefully no small animals or children have been sucked up into that thing and flung across the multiverse … 😵‍💫"

Fully enclosed and a joy to maintain!

View attachment 552553

I am no expert, but you might want to put a lid on that pump. Makes them much easier to operate. /nod
  • Haha
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I am no expert, but you might want to put a lid on that pump. Makes them much easier to operate. /nod
Yeah, when I winterized, I'm sure I put the pump lid in the box with the Cyclone. I'll pull it out and cover it when I startup.

I agree. There have definitely been some fancy setups here. Looking at the last picture. Is that a hand pump on the far right? Is that used to prime whatever that black box is? Also the far right pump does not seem to be connected to a filter system and its flow is regulated by the two blue flow valves. What is the purpose of this pump and the items it is connected to?
Hello. The pump I have had for years, purchased at an auction years ago and is now just a yard ornament. The right hand pump is used for water features only. The black box is a DEL AOP UV/Ozone sanitizer. There are some naysayers about the value they add to a system, but I am a fan. Thanx for looking and asking.
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Hello. The pump I have had for years, purchased at an auction years ago and is now just a yard ornament. The right hand pump is used for water features only. The black box is a DEL AOP UV/Ozone sanitizer. There are some naysayers about the value they add to a system, but I am a fan. Thanx for looking and asking.
Would love to see those chemistry levels.

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Folks, let's congratulate @bljamison (Post #3) for being voted as this month's TFP (Equipment Pad) Pool of the Month. Very nice.

@bljamison , we invite you to tell us more about your pad set up. Many thanks to all who participated. We'll do this again next month.

@bljamison , be on the lookout for your $50 discount code from tfteskits.net.
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Reactions: Mdragger88
Congratulations 🎊
@bljamison ,anice clean looking pad. One recommendation I have for you is the open 90° elbow in the suction lineup is open and should be closed up if it isn't a vent by using a short piece of pvc pipe of same pipe size and terminating it with a pvc cap all just dry fit so a rodent doesn't get stuck in there.
Hello. The pump I have had for years, purchased at an auction years ago and is now just a yard ornament. The right hand pump is used for water features only. The black box is a DEL AOP UV/Ozone sanitizer. There are some naysayers about the value they add to a system, but I am a fan. Thanx for looking and asking.

The hand pump is clearly a winner. That's what made me vote for you. Love it.
Congratulations 🎊
@bljamison ,anice clean looking pad. One recommendation I have for you is the open 90° elbow in the suction lineup is open and should be closed up if it isn't a vent by using a short piece of pvc pipe of same pipe size and terminating it with a pvc cap all just dry fit so a rodent doesn't get stuck in there.
Thanks for the info, I'll pass it along to my other half who is mechanically inclined :)
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