New to Pool Ownership and Decided We Are Our Own Pool Boys

Very rare to need to add baking soda to a pool in S California. Be careful. If TA above 40, no need. Your fill water has lots of TA in it.
Thanks for the heads up! It’s a rainy day today (not sure if that matters) and I filled a bit yesterday. Pool is at 30 now with target set at 70. The app says to add 6lbs. Do you suggest less for now?
Thanks for the heads up! It’s a rainy day today (not sure if that matters) and I filled a bit yesterday. Pool is at 30 now with target set at 70. The app says to add 6lbs. Do you suggest less for now?

Where in California are you?

Your TA was 125 on Tuesday. How did it drop to 30 today?
I added MA yesterday. I went back and checked my handwritten notes and I miscalculated heavily by multiplying by the 25. Learning curve issue. I was at 50.
If you are in S California, your fill water TA is 130 ppm give or take. So how did you get it down to 50?
If you are in S California, your fill water TA is 130 ppm give or take. So how did you get it down to 50?
I tested Monday and correct results were 50 TA, added a little water yesterday along with MA and chlorine. Today I tested at 30.

Monday was 5 drops before the sample turned from green to red. Today it took 3 drops.
Add enough baking soda to get to 70 ppm TA.

You are over adding MA. You should never need to add baking soda to a pool in S California.
I’m getting there this morning! My CSI is in range at -0.26 now. I have a few more tests to run for TA and CYA but at what point do I call it quits for the day? I know the chemistry in the pool is fluid but I want to get it to a good point. There will be days I am not home to work this all day like I have the last two days.

I now understand the sock method. I thought liquid CYA would be good for now since I had zero but there was so much arm work to make sure all the granules were dissolved even after I stirred it in a bucket of water. Sock it is from now on. I’m considering skipping my arm workout today because of it.
Today’s results are:

FC: 2.5
PH: 7.2
TA: 90
CH: 280
CYA: 50
CSI: -0.53
Temp: 68*

Added 52oz chlorine and hesitant to touch anything else with my TA high. I can aerate the pool more to increase pH if needed but the app says to keep at 7.0-7.2 due to TA being out of ideal range.

We have considerable scaling or calcium buildup from the few weeks the PB was monitoring and only checking once a week. Should I be concerned with the CSI as it sits now and if so, how do I bring that down? We plan to enjoy the pool this weekend. We haven’t had a chance this week because of my stressing over the calcium buildup and working to balance the pool.

Other factors to throw in is that I need to vacuum the pool but that means the overflow has to run to do so which will increase the pH. We’re still waiting for the contractor to setup the autofill and I could use a little more water in the pool.

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I’d like to thank everyone that chimed in! My pool water has been beautiful since I dialed in the chems. I’m battling the very caked on calcium from the poor startup and seeing results. It’s a slow process but I can see my black finish start to peek through the grey-white of the calcium. It was so bad in some areas it looked like elephant skin. I get lots of satisfaction seeing the poof of white when I brush. I already put the builder on notice that I’ll be contacting them after the summer about the issue, especially the hot tub which is very discolored and maybe not a calcium issue based on what I’ve been reading here.
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