Just did a week of SLAM and brushing and backwashing and the water was clearing up (except for Calcium buildup…)

But we just had a big storm and mud washed into the pool! All brown/green now (was blue right before the storm so it’s just mud in the water)

I got out solids, brushed and backwashed and will do another quick brush before I go to bed.

Do I need to keep my chlorine level high or is it a waste until I get the mud out?
Or of course maybe the mud makes crud if I don’t keep chlorine high?
See my response in this thread, and change the words "clean the filter" with "backwash the filter" and this should help...

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If it's only mud that washed in I'd raise the FC to the top of your target rage. Keep vacuuming and cleaning filter but between you may have to stop and let the waterborne stuff settle. Give your main drain a good workout by letting it remain atleast 50% open.
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