LedecSun Solar Lights for Vinyl Pool w/ Concrete Walls?


New member
Apr 15, 2024
Portland, OR
I recently purchased a home with an old vinyl concrete pool that needs a new liner. Now that the liner is getting ripped out, I’m trying to figure out the best lighting solution. Is there any way to make the LedecSun solar lights work for my situation? After reading a couple posts, it sounds like the magnetic version is the only option for vinyl pools, but this won’t work for me since our pool isn’t metal. Has anyone figured out a solution to this? Are there any other quality options that won’t require frequent installation of batteries? Edit by Jim R.
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hey OP, did you ever figure this out? i'm getting a pool put in but opted for no light during the initial consult due to years of cleaning pools and always responding to leaks caused by the light. i assumed there would be plenty of other options like ledecsun, but now i'm finding there aren't a lot! i also will have a vinyl liner with concrete. thanks!