Anyone do travel sports with their kids? Tips to make it more affordable?

We really love the juco school, team & coach & the fact that she has a starting offer so she would actually get to play but I just worry its a bit too soon to verbally commit (she’s still a junior) & that it would stifle other more lucratiyear cove offers.
Commit when she is ready. Son waited till start of senior year. We had friends committing soph and fresh year. They changed their minds or staffs changed mind or were no longer there. Nothing wrong with waiting. If it is the right fit it will be there.
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Commit when she is ready. Son waited till start of senior year. We had friends committing soph and fresh year. They changed their minds or staffs changed mind or were no longer there. Nothing wrong with waiting. If it is the right fit it will be there.
This makes me feel better!
I totally understand the coaches position- she needs to fill her roster- its her job.
I do however feel a little guilty about waiting considering I see her on a regular basis. Her kid is on this travel team & she is also a coach of another age group in the same club. Its a little awkward 😬
I am sure my kiddo feels the same way. She of course is also worried that the offer will go away. I have tried to reassure her.
I personally think the coach was just trying to get her offer in/make a connection early before my daughter started going to all these national tournaments where there’s lots of coaches looking. I don’t fault her at all (its her job) but it is what it is & I feel like we need to keep our options open for now. Surely she understands that $ doesn’t grow on trees. I explained our situation to her when we were on official visit. I also want to avoid my girl having to “de- commit” if something better comes along as she’s a do what she says kinda person.
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This makes me feel better!
I totally understand the coaches position- she needs to fill her roster- its her job.
I do however feel a little guilty about waiting considering I see her on a regular basis. Her kid is on this travel team & she is also a coach of another age group in the same club. Its a little awkward 😬
I am sure my kiddo feels the same way. She of course is also worried that the offer will go away. I have tried to reassure her.
I personally think the coach was just trying to get her offer in/make a connection early before my daughter started going to all these national tournaments where there’s lots of coaches looking. I don’t fault her at all (its her job) but it is what it is & I feel like we need to keep our options open for now. Surely she understands that $ doesn’t grow on trees. I explained our situation to her when we were on official visit. I also want to avoid my girl having to “de- commit” if something better comes along as she’s a do what she says kinda person.
My son would now say dad its a business and coaches job is to bring in tuition. Teams bring in 60 kids in fall cut 50%. Most kids would stay at said school paying tuition. Not trying to be a downer but if she plays lights out this spring/summer what is the harm of signing in Aug or Sept? Go visit campuses in between tourney games. Could I see myself a this school of athletics dont pan out etc... We had lots of fun doing campus tours at camps and tourneys. Best of times.
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Just wanted to update ya’ll - we are in fact still alive after the Big South 🏐 tourney in Atlanta.
Broke, but breathing! 😂
I don’t see how people do this year after year! It was so fun to watch my girl kick butt - but wow - we is tired! It’s the biggest one on our schedule aside from nationals in Las Vegas (if we get a bid at our next qualifier). It was Estimated to be 60k people there! Its insane. I cannot even fathom what nationals is like nor how we may can hitchhike 👍🏻 our way there lol. We’re just winging it. 🥴
I may look into door dashing a little at these events in the off times (since you either play am or pm wave)
- apparently everyone orders to their hotels these days. Maybe it will at least pay for my parking!
My hubby has never been to one of these before- just school games/tournaments & state championships.
When he got to the bottom of the escalator & saw literally a million balls 🏐flying around he just started laughing in disbelief! There were 196 courts full of girls all warming up at once. I just told him to get ready cuz the whistles hadn’t even started yet! He’s currently recovering from his harrowing experience with a cold beverage 🤣
While it may be tiring, enjoy this time in their lives. It goes by so fast.
You ain’t kidding! It feels faster every day! My son is few years younger so hopefully once she’s off at college I can get some dedicated time like this with him too with whatever he ends up pursuing in his high school career. It all just makes me wanna cry thinking about it! Why must they grow?? This letting go is the pits!
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Fortunately, they only live 7 houses up the street from us.
That would be my dream. I couldn't see them looking out the window, but I could roll my table or miter saw over for any projects.

I'm going to end up traveling pretty far only to not have tools when I visit. Lol.
That would be my dream. I couldn't see them looking out the window, but I could roll my table or miter saw over for any projects.

I'm going to end up traveling pretty far only to not have tools when I visit. Lol.

You do end up doing a lot of projects when you live close. Just last week, I redid all the landscaping in the front of their house.

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Interesting glimpse into the future as our kids are just 7 and 5. They have a fair # of activities already - soccer, baseball, tennis, tumbling, ballet, and piano lessons - thankfully all are very local (within a few miles of our house) and not too expensive. They're in public school, which helps as well. The private schools near us cost more than college and still have waiting lists to get in!

About the only advice I can give w/r/t to travel is to pick a favorite hotel loyalty program, get a good rewards credit card, and make use of the discount airlines (assuming that you are responsible for making travel arrangements to away games/competitions...not sure if this is the case for your particular activity). All of these tips have really saved us on our family vacations, now that these involve travel for 4 people. Just booked our summer vacation - RT airfare to Orlando for ~$360 total for all four of us on Frontier Airlines, and hundreds of dollars of value redeemed for our hotel stay via a no-annual-fee rewards credit card.
Little update..
She had her last tournament of the regular club season this weekend & they qualified for the Nationals in Vegas! I am so happy for them but also very stressed about how we’ll pay to get there/stay there 🫣
Currently stalking flights and also learning about them. I have never flown/bought a plane ticket before so I’m freaking out a bit. She’s excited! No fear!
I’m currently weighing my options of cheapo but direct flights (spirit)
Vs - nicer but longer rides with interruptions (southwest).
They both end up within $100 or so in price after bags. Found out this morning that southwest is easy to change if needed (like if the price drops) so I’m kinda leaning that way. They seem easier to deal with.
I’ve finally got numbers for those so my stress level is a little better but the rooms are still a big unknown as to what will be available to us with the stay to play situation.
The best part is yesterday while I was still wrapping my head around the vegas thing we got a message that says -
“Congratulations on your bid to the USAV Nationals. To prep for our post season, I would like to share some information regarding the USAV Nationals and our warm up tournament. The USAV Nationals is a “stay and play” so please be patient and wait to make any hotel arrangements until we are given the hotel list by the USAV.
We are also playing in a warm up tournament in New Orleans on May 25-27th. This tournament is not a “stay and play” so you can freely make the hotel arrangements on your own or decide as a team.
We are going to give our players a little time off from volleyball and resume our practice starting May 13th. Our practice days will be Mondays and Wednesdays from 6-8pm.
The post season price is listed below. The first payment of $600 is due by the first practice on May 13th. The remaining balance will be due June 1st.

11’s- $1,135
17’s=1,200 “

Thankfully the scholarship she has applies to post season tuition but my goodness! New Orleans (6hrs away) on memorial day weekend 24 days from now 😑
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Gosh that’s a lot to do and plan! I didn’t know about the stay and play. Do you HAVE TO stay at the hotel they list or is it just “recommended “?
& they qualified for the Nationals in Vegas!
Of course they did :kim: SWEET!!!
I have never flown/bought a plane ticket before so I’m freaking out a bit.
Do you have an "updated" ID? The one with the "gold star" on it? They keep saying it will be required to fly but the time line keeps getting pushed back. Just something extra to think about.............better safe than sorry on this one.
longer rides with interruptions
Just make sure you have PLENTY of time between the flights. You do NOT want to be running through some huge place trying to make your flight!!!
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Also, on Southwest you don’t get assigned seats. You get boarded in “groups” (labeled on your boarding pass) and then you grab whatever seat you want. It used to be the cool thing when flights were not constantly overbooked and it made seating faster. But, with the advent of airlines intentionally overbooking, the group boarding thing usually turns into a hectic free-for-all. I refuse to fly Southwest because of it. I’d rather pay for a seat that is mine and not wonder if I’m going to get stuck in the jump seat by the toilet …
Gosh that’s a lot to do and plan! I didn’t know about the stay and play. Do you HAVE TO stay at the hotel they list or is it just “recommended “?
Your club must book through the travel site or they can be removed from the tournament if they don’t book enough rooms. If they are registered & don’t attend there are hefty fines. The club director chooses multiple options (blocks at different hotels) from the large list. At some events it’s an 80% requirement or some set number of bookings for the club to meet. Some require all. Not sure about this event or how many of our teams will be registered since its nationals & not everyone got a bid. Usually at other events lots of our teams go so it’s easier to let other people meet the requirement. Stay to play was created to keep hotels from gouging during these events, keep hotels evenly booked & keep costs down for families but it doesn’t always work out that way anymore. Its my understanding that Las Vegas nationals is one event that it is actually usually cheaper with stay to play vs direct booking. 🤞
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Also, on Southwest you don’t get assigned seats. You get boarded in “groups” (labeled on your boarding pass) and then you grab whatever seat you want. It used to be the cool thing when flights were not constantly overbooked and it made seating faster. But, with the advent of airlines intentionally overbooking, the group boarding thing usually turns into a hectic free-for-all. I refuse to fly Southwest because of it. I’d rather pay for a seat that is mine and not wonder if I’m going to get stuck in the jump seat by the toilet …
I’m hoping to avoid the drama by “checking in” as early as possible- at least that’s what the internet says to do 🤣
Southwest has lots of flights each day between Memphis & vegas so hopefully if we get an early flight & there’s delay/cancellation we’d be covered. We’re traveling the day before the tournament.
Some people apparently book spirit & then book a refundable southwest backup then cancel it if things go fine. Thats alot of money upfront though. I’m mainly worried about making it there on time. The going home is no biggie so I may do spirit for that one as the southwest options are $200 more on that day. I am still torn between the direct flights (spirit,allegiant) or ones with plane changes (southwest, frontier). Delta, American, & UA are way out of our price range.
Spirit goes there & back 4 times a day I think.
Frontier & allegiant only go on certain days of the week so those are out for round trips because they don’t line up.
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If it’s just you and your daughter, then it’s not a huge deal. We are a family of 6 and we’re flying to Orlando in July … no way I’m doing block seating with that. We are also leaving a full day earlier and will just eat an overnight stay at a hotel when we get to FL (going on a cruise) to manage issues with delays/cancellations. Flying nowadays sucks no matter how you slice it.

Pack as light as you can. If you’re able to fit everything into carry on’s you’ll be set. Otherwise, travel as light as you can.
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