Plaster Start-Up Guides
We recommend you follow your Pool Builders start-up instructions for new plaster if provided. Below are start-up guides for reference.
You may also be interested in Plaster Installation threads that contains tips like this:
- The normal CSI guidelines are not applicable to new plaster finishes under 30 days old. It is actually necessary, to achieve a smooth and dense surface, to have about a +0.5 CSI during the first 30 days. This is because the plaster (cement paste) surface contains about 20% calcium hydroxide, which is somewhat soluble in balanced and slightly positive CSI water and can be dissolved away. The plaster surface needs to be "carbonated" before the CSI should be lowered to the acceptable and balanced range. And that generally is achieved during the first month under balanced water.[1]
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Orenda Technologies start-up program
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