Create Your Signature - Further Reading

Create Your Signature

If you're about ready to post and ask some questions, you should first help us and yourself by getting some basics out of the way. Following the steps below will help us help you!

Knowing details of your pool lets us give you more specific answers. It saves you from answering the same questions many times. And it reminds people trying to help you of your pool details without making them scroll back through threads trying to find it.

How to Create a Signature

Click here to Create Your Signature.

Information We Would like In Your Signature

Please put the following information in your signature:

  • The size of your pool in gallons
  • If your pool is an AG (above ground) or IG (in ground)
  • If it's IG, tell us if it's vinyl, plaster/pebble, or fiberglass
  • The type filter you have (sand, DE, cartridge)
  • If you know, tell us the make and model of your pump and filter.
  • List other known details of the pump - Horsepower, Single speed, 2 Speed or Variable Speed
  • List any other equipment you have: SWG, second pump, etc.
  • List what test kit you use to test your water
  • Please mention if you fill the pool from a well or are currently on water restrictions
  • Note if your pool is indoors or in a screened enclosure.

Information in your signature will show up each time you post. It is fine to put several pieces of information on the same line. Look at other people’s signatures to see what is included and how formatted.

Signature Does Not Display on Some Phones

To see the signature on some phones it needs to be held in landscape view.

Put an Accurate Location in Your Profile

Please put the city and state in which you live in your profile. Your climate is important to the advice you receive.

You can update your location in Account Details.

If You Don’t Know Your Pool Details We Will Help You

We know the complexities of pools can be overwhelming for new pool owners. Put what you know, or guess, in your signature.

Take pictures of your pool and equipment. Include any labels or data plates on filters and pumps. Start your own thread in Pumps, Filters, and Plumbing asking questions and include the pictures. We will help you figure it out.