Wireless thermometer

We are using the Ambient Weather TX-3107 Floating Pool and Spa Thermometer with AW WS-8478 FALCON Solar Powered Wireless WiFi Remote Monitoring Weather Station plus TX-3110B Wireless Indoor Thermometer Hygrometers since April 2019.

So far no issues, except batteries. Perhaps, the mfgr recommended alkaline batteries would perform longer. Nonetheless, I prefer rechargeable NiMH Sanyo Eneloop batteries in AA and AAA sizes for reduced life cycle cost and lower environmental impact. Bottom line: Using NiMH batteries means charging every 4-5 months.

The outdoor weather station and indoor temperature hygrometers require battery charging less often, say, 6-8 months.

I keep one floating TX-3107 in spa and one in pool. Occasionally, the digital displays incorrectly meaning numbers not completely legible, but the wireless read out on the indoor display and my mobile phone are always correct.

Total investment for weather station, two floating sensors and five remote indoor temp hygrometers was $360. Relatively easy to setup, maintain and monitor at home or away via mobile phone app.


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I've used the non phone version of the Ambient thermometer - it does transmit to a receiver in the house, but no phone app. I've had to replace the thermometer every season or two as it start to break down between the sun, water, chlorine, and salt. It seems to snug up against the wall and not get a signal to the receiver more often than not. Trying to decide if I want to go with a cheap knock off or back to the Ambient. Would love to have something that would work with our phones.
I realize this thread is old, but I wanted to chime in to say that infrared thermometer guns designed for kitchen use also work great for measuring pool temps. I've used this one https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00837ZGRY/ for a few years now with great results. In particular I love how well it works at long ranges, I can aim it at my pool from 20' away and it is still accurate and instant. I've compared it to an old mercury thermometer I have just to test accuracy and it's right on the money.
Wow, it does work! I have the same model you posted. Still not as good as looking at my phone or a remote display in the house, but its the best thing yet!
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I have an InkBird pool thermometer and an InkBird wireless gateway. The cost for both is around $80.00. The thermometer comes with a display I leave in the house and the WiFi gateway has an app that lets you chart the temp and see it anywhere. The temperature on it matches with what my salt cell temp and my old pool thermometer says, so it seems pretty accurate to me. I went this route over the weather station options because it’s cheaper and I just wanted a wifi enabled pool thermometer. I have no use for the other stuff you get with the weather stations. You can get these as a combo for a few dollars cheaper, but I don’t think the combo has the wireless station that’s included with just the thermometer.

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I realize this thread is old, but I wanted to chime in to say that infrared thermometer guns designed for kitchen use also work great for measuring pool temps. I've used this one https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00837ZGRY/ for a few years now with great results. In particular I love how well it works at long ranges, I can aim it at my pool from 20' away and it is still accurate and instant. I've compared it to an old mercury thermometer I have just to test accuracy and it's right on the money.
I have this same thermometer and have found it to be really useful in trying to fine tune the efficiency of my new solar panel. I use it measure the temp of the panels on the “input” side and also on the “output” side to verify heat gain. I’ve also checked the pvc going into the panels vs coming back out to verify temperature differential.

It’s the poor man’s solution until I talk myself into a solar controller, but it does work.

I’ve also found it to be pretty accurate for in-pool water temperature, provided the pump is running. Because it’s only measuring the surface temp it helps if the water is actively mixing. But just for fun you can also do things like check the temp of the pvc coming out of the skimmer, etc, which should be pretty well equalized with the pool water — again assuming of course the water is moving.
Poor mans solution?.. then you must be richer than I.. I use the finger test:
Stick finger in pool
-Finger turns blue: too cold
-Finger turns red: too hot
-Finger stays pink: just right
I think the northern climate has taken away my color-changing ability.

I just have:
-Finger goes numb, too cold.
-Finger doesn’t go numb, eh it’s probably fine, jump in and find out for sure.
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I think the northern climate has taken away my color-changing ability.

I just have:
-Finger goes numb, too cold.
-Finger doesn’t go numb, eh it’s probably fine, jump in and find out for sure.
I was going to quote the shrinkage scale.. but I thought that was too randy for a family forum...

In actuality I just walk out to the pool and pull the temp off the SWG controller or the Spa heater. My water is always cold.. it only heats up when I am pumping BTUs into it. Shooting it with an IR gun isn't going to tell me something that I don't already know.
I’ve had the Inkbird IBS-P01R for a couple of years and am happy with it. A tip if you want to change batteries a lot less often, use lithium. A little more expensive but worth it to me in items where it’s a pain to change them like these thermometers, Blink camera, Yard Enforcer, etc.
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I’ve had the Inkbird IBS-P01R for a couple of years and am happy with it. A tip if you want to change batteries a lot less often, use lithium. A little more expensive but worth it to me in items where it’s a pain to change them like these thermometers, Blink camera, Yard Enforcer, etc.
Yeah I am going to pick up some lithium batteries soon as I need them for my outdoor blink cameras anyway. Is this thermometer able to accurately read the lithium batteries?
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Any issues with the pool sensor? This looks like a pretty cool system, just a number of reviews saying that sensor stopped working after a few months.
Works fine for me. It ran out of battery in the winter so I had to open one side of the pool cover to replace it. Next time I’m changing the battery before I close the pool.
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Works fine for me. It ran out of battery in the winter so I had to open one side of the pool cover to replace it. Next time I’m changing the battery before I close the pool.
Do you keep your pool heated in the winter or did you keep it in the frozen water?

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