Where to find Watkin freshwater salt system cartidges on line


Apr 26, 2013
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i'm due for my first cartridge replacement on my new hotsrpings limelight series tub. No one seems to sell them on line is there a reason for that?
The closest dealer is 35 min away.


"One 3-pack of FreshWater Salt System titanium cartridges gives you a year’s worth of water care"

Is this what you are looking for:
It appears that vendor offers that product available in an online shopping cart system.

The "not available for online sales" is at some other vendors is likely due to manufacturer pressure. But there are online vendors that will likely ship to you if you order by phone. For instance:
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Is this what you are looking for:

The "not available for online sales" is likely due to manufacturer pressure. But there are online vendors that will likely ship to you if you order by phone. For instance:
Thanks that is the one i was looking for .........I was thinking is was just availability as well. You have to call or email and no one gets back to you. I finally got a hold of someone at the dealer i bought form and the they set one aside.
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I drove to a (kinda) local store and picked up a 3 pack. The reasoning is watkins will only sell through authorized dealers because people were making fakes and selling them on fleebay and amazon.
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