Wave Blocker Design for Built-in Pool Cover


New member
Feb 5, 2023
Santa Paula, CA
If you have an in-ground pool with a built-in pool cover, you usually have a problem where the water overflows into the pool cover vault and is wasted when there is a lot of splashing and jumping into the pool. The wave blocker that I designed keeps water from entering your built-in Pool Cover vault. If you have this type of pool configuration and you would like to build a Wave Blocker, below is a link to a DropBox folder that contains a video where I demonstrate how it works and a PDF file with instructions how to build one. I also included a Word file if you prefer that format.

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Thanks for sharing.

If you want your invention to be available here for many years I suggest you put your video on YouTube with a link to it posted here and attach the PDF and Word files to a Forum post on this thread.

We have learned that relying on outside services for media breaks over time.
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