Because measuring CYA is sometimes a squirely thing...I often get more than one opinion on the visual test. After I test and get the # I think it is, I pour it back in the sample bottle and then ask the rest of the family what they get. I'm not sure about you, but my eyes have changed quite a bit over the past few years and they aren't what they used to be :lol:
I've had trouble similar to you in the past that, for whatever reason, was helped when I raised the CYA. I wanted to keep it at 30, so I could have lower CL levels, but it just didn't work here for me in Denver. I also believe I loose CL overnight when my pool is perfectly balanced due to typical "mile-hi" conditions. I have chased my tail with shocking for days at a time when in hind sight, don't believe I needed to as the water was sparkling clear. I am anal and I kept my eyes on the test results when a little more eye on the water would have made a bigger difference for me.
Just my $.02.