Tropical rains turned pool green


Well-known member
Aug 7, 2011
Lafayette, La
Hello everyone, I’m in Louisiana 50 miles from the coast. We just had two days of rain bands from that tropical storm in the gulf coming in from the gulf. Pool turned green in two days. This is not the first time we get rain from the gulf and storm hurricane etc and it turns green growing algae like crazy. Before the rain all my levels were in check and good. I’m currently slamming it but I’m going to go mustard strength to make sure. Does anyone know why Gulf of Mexico water would do this to a pool it never happens when rains come in from the north? Thanks
Hello everyone, I’m in Louisiana 50 miles from the coast. We just had two days of rain bands from that tropical storm in the gulf coming in from the gulf. Pool turned green in two days. This is not the first time we get rain from the gulf and storm hurricane etc and it turns green growing algae like crazy. Before the rain all my levels were in check and good. I’m currently slamming it but I’m going to go mustard strength to make sure. Does anyone know why Gulf of Mexico water would do this to a pool it never happens when rains come in from the north? Thanks
Really need to see water test results to know.
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Does anyone know why Gulf of Mexico water would do this to a pool it never happens when rains come in from the north?
I image the Alberta clippers have lost some punch by the time they make it to you. :ROFLMAO:

A whopper of a storm with 6 inches of rain would dilute you by about 11%. So long as it's mixing, you'd barely know. If it bites you, you likely have bigger problems than the storm.
I image the Alberta clippers have lost some punch by the time they make it to you. :ROFLMAO:

A whopper of a storm with 6 inches of rain would dilute you by about 11%. So long as it's mixing, you'd barely know. If it bites you, you likely have bigger problems than the storm.
Yeah we don’t get much cool air in summer, the heat index right now is 112. We got a total of 3 inches in two days, I contacted LSU College and went back and forth with a hydrologist, he said the likely cause is there was already a hint of algae in the water and once the storms picked up the gulfs waters, right off our coast dumping it inland, the algae bloomed in the pool. He pointed out that the water around the mouth of the Mississippi, and along the Louisiana coast is one of the most nutrient filled waters in the US because of runoff from fertilizers used in the fields along the Mississippi River. So I guess makes sense don’t know.
Had slammed it last week, cleared up, then after rain algae exploded I went ahead and went to mustard fearing that’s what I had the first time, thanks
You passed the OCLT before letting up on the SLAM? When rain causes a quick green up it almost always means there was algae just waiting for the slightest FC drop to gain ground.

And a green pool is not mustard algae (nor is mustard level what you perform the process at, it's a step after finishing a SLAM at the appropriate FC level) so you're wasting a lot of chlorine and not doing your liner any favors overshooting your FC target.
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Had slammed it last week, cleared up
So please forgive me if you're an above and beyond follower of TFP and went hardcore deep into SLAM.

Many times repeat slams are something that was missed the first time. An above ground has less places to hide but stairs and railings have put many folks back on the SLAM bus for another trip.

Did you deep clean your filter after ?

At what time ? Before the daily loss, or after ?
he said the likely cause is there was already a hint of algae in the water and once the storms picked up the gulfs waters, right off our coast dumping it inland
I'm surprised he thinks solids evaporate. It's why rain has no salt or CH, because they stay behind.

Anywho, algae always comes from too little chlorine. Even with some one off freakish event, if you had enough chlorine, it wouldn't matter. Raise your targets going forward

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You passed the OCLT before letting up on the SLAM? When rain causes a quick green up it almost always means there was algae just waiting for the slightest FC drop to gain ground.

And a green pool is not mustard algae (nor is mustard level what you perform the process at, it's a step after finishing a SLAM at the appropriate FC level) so you're wasting a lot of chlorine and not doing your liner any favors overshooting your FC target.
Yes, let it go two days losing nothing overnight and only about 1 during the day, the reason I said mustard is because I’ve had it in there on 3 prior occasions in 10 years. And I know it’s not good for the liner. You do understand for 12 years this pool had to be kept at least at 6 FC, not 3, not 4, not 5, otherwise it would form algae, and yes all other pool chemistry was kept I normal ranges, I do use the pool calculator.
So please forgive me if you're an above and beyond follower of TFP and went hardcore deep into SLAM.

Many times repeat slams are something that was missed the first time. An above ground has less places to hide but stairs and railings have put many folks back on the SLAM bus for another trip.

Did you deep clean your filter after ?

At what time ? Before the daily loss, or after ?

I'm surprised he thinks solids evaporate. It's why rain has no salt or CH, because they stay behind.

Anywho, algae always comes from too little chlorine. Even with some one off freakish event, if you had enough chlorine, it wouldn't matter. Raise your targets going forward
no apology necessary glad for the help, I knew about the dang ladder, tiny little holes in it for water the enter and sink the steps. I found that out ten years ago, so I took my handy drill, took the ladder out, and made some big holes in the steps, flushed out the steps with jet nozzle, the green slime shot out like crazy so now I use a syringe and shoot chlorine in each of the step holes. That fixed the problem with the ladder that was poisoning my pool back then.

I have deep cleaned it twice before and always backwash sand filter after a successful Slam.

It would not lose the 1 FC until the late afternoon after full sunlight all day
knew about the dang ladder
I have deep cleaned it twice before and always backwash sand filter after a successful Slam.
You might want to deep clean it once you're out of the woods this time. Yes I'm extra. But an unturned stone bit you and I don't like being bit. Not even when it's vicariously through you.
It would not lose the 1 FC until the late afternoon after full sunlight all day
Ok also GREAT. Too many folks just see the FC # and not how the time of day, or point in the season relates to the reading.
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You might want to deep clean it once you're out of the woods this time. Yes I'm extra. But an unturned stone bit you and I don't like being bit. Not even when it's vicariously through you.

Ok also GREAT. Too many folks just see the FC # and not how the time of day, or point in the season relates to the reading.
I hear ya, that’s probably what I’ll do to make sure
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Can you remove the stairs ? Not only will you have better access but after draining and bleaching you can let them fully dry to kill anything that's way up in there out of reach.
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You do understand for 12 years this pool had to be kept at least at 6 FC, not 3, not 4, not 5, otherwise it would form algae,

@newdude is too nice to toot his own horn but he’s president of #TeamRunHot and from everything you’ve stated I believe you need to join the club….and if I may suggest you should consider starting a sub chapter within the club called #TeamRunHotter!

7 ppm FC gives you by your own admission 1 ppm of wiggle room. That’s not enough apparently for your conditions or what has happened. Run hotter.
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I created a post a couple days ago about my pool turning green after tropical rains. After discussing with several knowledgeable experts in here, I ended raising to Mustard shock 2 days ago. It’s is starting to clear but still pretty green, but a bit clearer, and losing about 2 with the overnight test. I use Pool Essentials liquid chlorine with 10% but also read that the liquid chlorine degrades quickly in the bottle. My date on the bottles are Feb of 2024 and stored out of sunlight in a pool shed under a tree with average temp of 80-90 degrees. Does anyone think it is possible that although the FC test with Taylor test kit shows proper FC range for shock, that the chlorine has degraded enough to not be effective although the test shows the correct amount? Thanks
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