Too many bubbles?

We have a strict no hair in the hot tub rule! If you wanna swim get in the pool lol.
Teen girl product filled hair does it to me every time! Also, lotions/potions 🧴on the skin or suits that have detergent/fabric softener in them.
The answer to all is more chlorine and filter, filter, filter. And of course eliminating the source.
Many people use way too much detergent and could probably wash their clothes 4 more times without any.
We don’t but I always expect this to happen with guests.
We use appropriate amount of detergent and then always xtra rinse - no fab softener for suits (or much of anything at our house really)
For reference 1 pod is enough to do a full load of moderately dirty clothes no matter what the package says.
So is line 1 on the detergent cup.
Unless you have really greasy/dirty clothes then double that.
Our clothes get pretty nasty (I’m talking black w/ oil, grease, carbon) and I have never needed more than 2 pods or equivalent in liquid/powder.
If i need to use additives like krud kutter, pinesol, or degreaser I wash again with nothing but a little vinegar in the fabric softener cup. Generally I don’t put suits in those loads anyway but just an idea of how much detergent is actually needed.
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With CH at 300, I don’t think that’s an issue.

Mine does this (and a little more) after I add my weekly dose of AquaClarity. Does it for about a day. Sorta like a mini purge foam.

Your picture is not that bad to me but I’ll put money on residual detergent in suits. It has happened to me twice in the past year and both times it was Tides fault. Run it a bunch with air on. Wait about 3 days.

I have to bump my CH to 350 ppm to stop AC foaming.
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