To bleach or not to bleach


Silver Supporter
May 22, 2022
Riverside, CA
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
So I can't get liquid chlorine right now. Walmart is out locally as are Lowes and Home Depot. It's about a 25 minute drive to the nearest place that MIGHT have it when I get there (a Leslie's that won't check stock for me). So... Kroger's/Ralphs has a concentrated 7.5 bleach. I'll put the specs below. Is this safe to use until Walmart restocks?

Product Name: Kroger Concentrated Disinfecting Bleach
Description of product: Liquid Bleach
Product UPC: 0 11110 04802 8
Distributor Name: The Kroger Co.
Date of Disclosure: 11/25/2019
Ingredients: Ingredient Name CASRN Category Chemical of
Concern Role
Water 7732-18-5 intentionally added No diluent
Sodium Hypochlorite 7681-52-9 intentionally added No bleaching agent
Sodium Hydroxide 1310-73-2 intentionally added CA Non-Cancer Hazards stabilizing agent
Sodium Silicate 1344-09-8 intentionally added No detergent builder
Sodium Metaperiodate 7790-28-5 intentionally added No detergent builder
Contact for additional
ingredient information: Contact Kroger for more information
So I can't get liquid chlorine right now. Walmart is out locally as are Lowes and Home Depot. It's about a 25 minute drive to the nearest place that MIGHT have it when I get there (a Leslie's that won't check stock for me). So... Kroger's/Ralphs has a concentrated 7.5 bleach. I'll put the specs below. Is this safe to use until Walmart restocks?

Product Name: Kroger Concentrated Disinfecting Bleach
Description of product: Liquid Bleach
Product UPC: 0 11110 04802 8
Distributor Name: The Kroger Co.
Date of Disclosure: 11/25/2019
Ingredients: Ingredient Name CASRN Category Chemical of
Concern Role
Water 7732-18-5 intentionally added No diluent
Sodium Hypochlorite 7681-52-9 intentionally added No bleaching agent
Sodium Hydroxide 1310-73-2 intentionally added CA Non-Cancer Hazards stabilizing agent
Sodium Silicate 1344-09-8 intentionally added No detergent builder
Sodium Metaperiodate 7790-28-5 intentionally added No detergent builder
Contact for additional
ingredient information: Contact Kroger for more information
It appears OK but a photo would help. Just ensure it is not scented or splashless or other additives.
Additives such as fragrances, thickeners (splashless), or surfactants (outdoor bleach) may cause foaming. Bleach with fabric protectors (Cloromax Technology) may also cause foaming.
^^^^^ That was Herman. And I agree, he's awesome. (y)

the irony is you'll need lots of good bleach that you can't find to burn up the additives in the bad bleach. 🤦‍♂️

With a low gallons and not alot of rain to keep you diluted, you'd probably reach your foaming threshold quickly.

*also, the 'disinfectant' bleach generally is free of the other stuffs. It's more for commercial type cleaning where lavender smell and XYZ technology aren't needed.
^^^^^ That was Herman. And I agree, he's awesome. (y)

the irony is you'll need lots of good bleach that you can't find to burn up the additives in the bad bleach. 🤦‍♂️

With a low gallons and not alot of rain to keep you diluted, you'd probably reach your foaming threshold quickly.

*also, the 'disinfectant' bleach generally is free of the other stuffs. It's more for commercial type cleaning where lavender smell and XYZ technology aren't needed.
Sorry about the missed attribution. So, to be clear, you're saying that I should look for bleach that is of the type 'disinfectant' and make sure it doesn't have scent and other technology like anti-splash?
It appears OK but a photo would help. Just ensure it is not scented or splashless or other additives.
Additives such as fragrances, thickeners (splashless), or surfactants (outdoor bleach) may cause foaming. Bleach with fabric protectors (Cloromax Technology) may also cause foaming.
Thank you @HermanTX !!!
So, to be clear, you're saying that I should look for bleach that is of the type 'disinfectant' and make sure it doesn't have scent and other technology like anti-splash
Correct. For future reference, if you find the disinfecting bleach as opposed to the laundry bleach, disinfecting bleach is *usually* free of all the additives. But always check the label for some kind of 'technology', splashless, watermelon flavor, etc.

*when you can't find the stronger pool kind.
Just found Home Depot has liquid chlorine at $9.00 per gallon. So, guess I will have to bite the bullet and spend more. It's something called


1 Gal. Pool-Care Chlorinating Liquid (2-Pack)​

Thanks to everyone who responded. This is a frustrating situation.
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Just found Home Depot has liquid chlorine at $9.00 per gallon.
That's the good stuff. Don't forget to check / google the Julian Date code. I waited 30 mins at Lowes for the kid to find the forklift to get me the last pallet from up high. They were 6 months old and half strength or less, for $7 each. Thanks no thanks.

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My local grocery store had 'Pool Shock' on a pallet outside in the parking lot - in direct sunlight, while it was still in the low 80s here. Sat out there for at least a month. Seemed an expensive way to buy a gallon of salty water...but people still did. Wasn't even cheap - about $7 a gallon for 10%, while Menards 2 miles down the road was selling 12% gallons for effectively $3.56
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watermelon flavor,
Too funny!

I use the Kroger generic brand with no ill effects. I make sure it’s just disinfectant bleach with no additives. Granted, I have a SWCG, so my bleach requirements are limited to SLAMs or just a quick topping off of FC level.
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