Sudden problem with all 4 of our Pentair lights

The breaker was not but it went thru the gfci convenience outlet so same problem. You either need to ru. The neutral and hot thru the convenience outlet or remove the neutral from that pigtail and land it on the neutral bar
The breaker was not but it went thru the gfci convenience outlet so same problem. You either need to ru. The neutral and hot thru the convenience outlet or remove the neutral from that pigtail and land it on the neutral bar

The wire that went into the original breaker, is the same wire that went into (and still does) the gfci outlet box on the right side of the panel.
Ahultin, thank you for all the time and effort you have put in to help me. This is definitely seems above my comfort level. I will be standing by watching the Pentair pool guy every step of the way.

You're the best!
— York
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