Sodium Hypochlorite 10%


New member
Nov 13, 2022
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
I've been maintaining my new pool for 2 months and I've been adding 1 gal of bleach (Sodium Hypochlorite 10%) every 3 to 5 days. Is this an average amount of bleach to maintain the chlorine level?

Most pools use about 2 to 4 ppm of FC each day in the summer, this time of year it should be less.

What is your CYA (stabilizer) level? CYA protects the sun from consuming your FC quickly.

Is your pool cloudy or green?

A gallon of 10% liquid chlorine would raise your FC by 5 ppm


Jim R.

Most pools use about 2 to 4 ppm of FC each day in the summer, this time of year it should be less.

What is your CYA (stabilizer) level? CYA protects the sun from consuming your FC quickly.

Is your pool cloudy or green?

A gallon of 10% liquid chlorine would raise your FC by 5 ppm


Jim R.
Hi jim R.
Thanks for the reply. I appreciate the information. The pool is crystal clear and the CYA is around 40 ppm.

The pool is crystal clear and the CYA is around 40 ppm.
Welcome to TFP!!! :swim: You are doing great!

CYA 40 is perfect. If you want to use a bit less, you could increase your CYA to 50, but 40 is absolutely fine. For CYA of 40, keep your FC at 5-7ppm. NEVER let it get below (or near) 3, and you will avoid algae!

Read this and follow the chlorine/cya chart. Link-->FC/CYA Levels

Two more recommendations
1) If you have a smartphone, download poolmath...will help you with chemical recommendation and additions. Link-->PoolMath
2) Ditch the strips and get a good test kit. Having accurate readings on your pool water avoid a TON of issues that we see here. Link-->Test Kits Compared

Enjoy the pool!
Welcome to TFP!!! :swim: You are doing great!

CYA 40 is perfect. If you want to use a bit less, you could increase your CYA to 50, but 40 is absolutely fine. For CYA of 40, keep your FC at 5-7ppm. NEVER let it get below (or near) 3, and you will avoid algae!

Read this and follow the chlorine/cya chart. Link-->FC/CYA Levels

Two more recommendations
1) If you have a smartphone, download poolmath...will help you with chemical recommendation and additions. Link-->PoolMath
2) Ditch the strips and get a good test kit. Having accurate readings on your pool water avoid a TON of issues that we see here. Link-->Test Kits Compared

Enjoy the pool!
Hi PoolStored,
Thanks for the welcome and encouragement. I appreciate the information and recommendations. I'll reference the chlorine/cya chart and purchase a better water test kit. I've already downloaded the Pool Math app and will start using it today!
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I'll reference the chlorine/cya chart
It is perfectly safe to KEEP/MAINTAIN your pool at the high end of the FC range for your CYA (7 FC for 40 CYA. You will never know the difference...and will protect you if you have a high FC demand day. You can even test and add Liquid Chlorine during the day if you are having a party. If my pool even *sniffs* minimums, it starts to cloud.

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