Seeking advice on new construction plaster situation


LifeTime Supporter
Jun 28, 2011
We are in the process of building a new pool. Our pool builder used the wrong color plaster. He gave us an option of either a credit for plaster or replastering with the right color. We want what we picked out, so we are going the replastering route. He says that they will saw cut below tile line, chip out below tile, chip out around all fittings, bond coat, and replaster. My problem with this is that we contracted for a new pool and we are getting a replastered pool. The build has been going on since January and they also used the wrong tile (same color just 1" by 2" brick instead of 1" by 1" square). We didn't push the tile issue because we liked it fine. My initial thought is that we should be issued some sort of credit for not getting a new pool like we contracted for and having to fill up a rather large pool twice. The steps on the pool also have a double row of tile on them. I think I am going to ask that those tiles be removed rather than cut around. That may be what he is planning on anyway as it would probably be easier to redo the tile than cut around them and I think that they plastered between the tiles rather than grouted. I'd like to hear some objective thoughts on whether we should push this issue further and any advice on the replastering plan. Thanks in advance!
How different is the wrong color?

You are building a pool to swim in and not a work of art.

I suggest the builder give you a money back for not demanding he redo the tile and plaster and you invest it for when the pool needs to be redone in a few years.
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I agree with Allen. It sounds like they will not be doing a full chip out so that is not good as it will have two layers of plaster in the end so more could go wrong. I will also tell you they may (want to say will) mess up the tile as they will be trying to finish as fast as possible.

I say ask for money back and do a cannon ball in to your new pool!
How different is the wrong color? - It was supposed to be NPT QuartzScapes Ivory and is NPT ColorScapes Blue Splash.

You are building a pool to swim in and not a work of art. - Why can't it be both?

I suggest the builder give you a money back for not demanding he redo the tile and plaster and you invest it for when the pool needs to be redone in a few years. - We want what we picked out, so that isn't an option we are considering. More looking for advice on whether I am overreacting to having a new but already replastered pool and advice on the replastering plan. And it sure better not need to be redone in a few years!
Okay so since you want the color you wanted AND it to be as close to a new pool as you can get then you need to make sure they do a FULL chip out with FLAT chisels not pointed ones. It more work for them but much better for your shell.