Pooli App and Total Alkalinity


Gold Supporter
Oct 31, 2021
Allen, TX
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Pentair iChlor 30
Hello! I have been testing out the Pooli app. It basically does the same thing as Pool Math, although I like the visual interface a little better. Plus - it will record the chemicals you purchase into inventory and then deduct them as you use them - with reminders to buy more when you are running low. In any case, When it comes to Alkalinity, the app is using adjusted alkalinity. From my latest test (SWG pool), CYA is 80, PH 7.8 and TA is 80. The adjusted alkalinity is saying 52ppm so the app is telling me to adjust my alkalinity up to reach adjusted alk of 80. My concern is that will be a pretty big jump in Alk. In reading through the forum, I did see a post that says that PoolMath also automatically adjusts for alkalinity - but in looking through the pool math app - I did not see any adjustment. My questions are:

1. Has anyone used Pooli for an app - do you like it?
2. Should I be using the adjusted number and increase my TA?

I just switched to SWG (like yesterday) so trying to dial everything in to be perfect.

First thing's first: are you following TFPC or are you following Pooli? Are you using their products and how are you testing your water? Your logs show a 40 ppm CYA increase and a 100 ppm CH decrease over a single day, that sounds like something you'd see from test strips...

You can't mix TFPC with other pool care methods, you'll be chasing your tail trying to decide which value you should follow on which day and just end up with a big mess.
@donaldson - great question. I am following TFPC methodology. The pooli app allows you to custom enter your min / max & ideal ranges. So I entered the ranges recommended by TFP. Regarding the increase in CYA - that was by design. Went from liquid to salt - at that time, my CYA was 40. Since I switched over yesterday - I added stabilizer to bring it up to the recommended 80. The CH drastic change is due to operator (my) error. My CH readings always have a falling endpoint. Following TFP's recommended solution does not really help as it still turns purple. However, if I keep adding regent then it goes from purple to blue. The challenge that I have is that the change from purple to blue is really subtle so sometimes I over/under count. I think the 400 is accurate as I am getting better at CH. BTW - I am using the Taylor 2006c test kit so I am using one of the recommended TFP test kits. I am not sold on Pooli as an App and not following their methodology at all. The only reason I am testing it out is because I like the way it is laid out a little better than PoolMath.

Back to my question though - does poolmath adjust for TA or not? If so - it would seem like my TA is too low?
PoolMath displays Total Alkalinity which is the parameter you measure with your test kit. It calculates carbonate alkalinity in the background in order to calculate CSI. It makes all of its recommendations based on TA, not adjusted TA.

As you see, if you follow Pooli’s advice, you will get a pool with way too much total alkalinity and your pH will skyrocket. This typically leads the uniformed user to the classic baking soda/acid Yo-Yo game … constantly chasing TA and pH around in circles.