Phone not Controlling Easy Touch

I am back in business!

I thought I would give the replacement unit one last chance. After double checking the wiring diagram, the red/green and yellow/black wire combinations were reversed. I corrected, plugged it in, fired right up.

Now I need to try and get the window company to pay for this!
Now I need to try and get the window company to pay for this!

Good luck with that... :mrgreen:

Glad you got it working... :goodjob:

When it works, and then you do something to it, and then it no longer works.. It is almost always because of what you did.. (I understand that you did not do it yourself, but the theory still applies. :mrgreen:

I used to troubleshoot fighter radar systems in the Air Force. It was not uncommon to find that the first technician sent to work on the plane, would 'install' more malfunctions than he fixed... :cry:


Jim R.
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