Pentair ETI 400 - Ice forming on Condensate float assembly


Active member
Feb 4, 2022
Denver Metro Area
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Pentair Intellichlor IC-60

We are newbies. We have our pool closed, but kept the spa open with a pentair eti 400. Ice keeps forming on the condensate float assembly which shuts down the heater. Our pool tech from the pool install company showed us how to go in there and chisel out the ice to get it running around. Well, we tried it (the ice was as thick as an hockey puck) and the black piece attached to the white float disk snapped in half. We tried putting it together using tension from the screws but it didn’t work and the heater has a diagnostic light on now. We can’t get anyone from anywhere on the phone because of the holidays. The equipment is all new - installed in august 2022. Can we use high heat welding glue to put it together? I’m hoping someone has an idea just to get us through until someone can get here.


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Your heater has a listed operating efficiency of 96%, which means that the flue gas will condense before exiting the heater (even at above freezing temperatures). If operated at below freezing temperatures the condensate will freeze. This will block the condensate drain and cause the heater to not operate. There is also a chance that the flue gas condensate will freeze as it exits the heater causing a similar problem. There should be safeties built in that keeps either of these problems from allowing the heater to operate ( usually a differential air pressure switch). What are you using as freeze protection for your system? You should check to see if the heater is rated to operate correctly at below frezing temperatures by Pentair.
This is a problem that has been reported by other members in CO who have tried to run the ETI400 in freezing conditions.

This heater should not be sold with the expectation it will heat in freezing conditions.

The Pentair manual - - on page 25 says...

The heater is designed for outdoor operation in non-freezing conditions only. During freezing conditions the condensate drain line and trap may freeze, causing the heater to shut down due to a blocked condensate drain. Also, the heater condensate system components may be damaged by the ice forming on the condensate drain line and trap. If the heater is installed in freezing climates for seasonal use, winterize the heater to avoid freeze damage. See Winterizing Instructionson page 56. Locate the heater on a level surface in an open area that is protected from drainage or run-off. Install the heater in an area where leaves or other debris will not collect on or around the heater. To avoid damage to the electronic components in the heater, take care to prevent prolonged exposure to driving sources of water (such as lawn sprinklers, heavy roof runoff, hoses, etc.). Avoid operation in persistent, extreme, moist or salty environments.
Thank you for this! I did search for similar issues and couldn’t find anything so I appreciate you answering my question and referring me to the correct pages in the manual.
Here is the other CO member with the ETi heater and same problem...

I think Pentair updated the ETI manual with the warning in 2020.
Your heater has a listed operating efficiency of 96%, which means that the flue gas will condense before exiting the heater (even at above freezing temperatures). If operated at below freezing temperatures the condensate will freeze. This will block the condensate drain and cause the heater to not operate. There is also a chance that the flue gas condensate will freeze as it exits the heater causing a similar problem. There should be safeties built in that keeps either of these problems from allowing the heater to operate ( usually a differential air pressure switch). What are you using as freeze protection for your system? You should check to see if the heater is rated to operate correctly at below frezing temperatures by Pentair.
Ok guys so I’m reading the manual and it says you
Can essentially install the heater in an outdoor enclosure(obviously properly vented as per the installation instructions. Anyone ever see this done? Also, this might seem like a ridiculous thought but how come I can’t use a plug-in heater (not a space heater but one of those tiny heaters that literally sit flush with the outlet.) ?
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