Newbie TFT kit tester

There you go!!!

You have, I think, 8 levels of output
0 = 0 output
1 = 12.5%
2 = 25%
3 = 37.5%
4 = 50%
5 = 62.5%
6 = 75%
7 = 87.5%
8 = 100%

So on "4" for 24 hours, you make 5FC or so (1.15 is the number they give, might be more might be less).
A few more questions since you were so helpful last time!!

Current readings from this morning....


I have turned off the SWG to get the chlorine back to a normal range. I have found that I have been having yo test the chlorine 2-3 time because it's never the same reading each time. I kind of figure the average. Is that normal??

Also, I believe we have mustard algae. Ugh. If we did, why wouldn't the CC be off??

I took water to get tested at a pool store because I have been curious how off their testing is. This was their results....


Since they show some CC wouldn't that be more accurate since I have algae?

You can have algae and no CC. Ignore pool store testing.

Post some pictures of this mustard algae.
I just vacuumed it all up. But it looks like sand. Dissipates when I move around it. Comes back in the exact same spots. Usually pretty quickly too within an hour or so and gradually more pop up in the same spots thru out the day and week.
Correct, once it changes to clear, you are done. If you let it sit for 15 to 30 seconds, it will turn back a bit pink. Ignore it.
Ok I wanted to double check so I can be as accurate as possible. I know when I do the drops it has a slight tinge of pink at the end and I add one more drop and it’s all clear. Wasn’t sure if it needed to be absolutely clear.

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Yep, clear, clear.
Thank you so much! As far as slamming goes, I work from home and a stay at home mom so I can only brush and vacuum once a day. How intense do I need to be brushing everything? Like the ladder, pool return, skimmer etc? And do I need to be cleaning the brush, vacuum hose and attachment between brushing or are the considered “sanitized” at the high levels during the slam process? Just trying to kill this stuff and not reintroduce it.
Once a day brush is fine. Take the ladder out and brush INSIDE and out. No need to clean them, just brush them down too.

In the heat of summer, if you can test and replace FC every 2-3 hours, that really helps.
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Once a day brush is fine. Take the ladder out and brush INSIDE and out. No need to clean them, just brush them down too.

In the heat of summer, if you can test and replace FC every 2-3 hours, that really helps.
Good to know I don’t needy to sanitize everything every day. I wouldn’t be able to manage that. Just out of curiosity, how much chlorine does it lose in 2-3 hrs? Or even in a day? I know it can vary obviously but if I buy double the amount of chlorine to Slam, as recommended, I shouldn’t run out right?
The first addition will be large. Depending on the slam level and how green the pool is, it might be 5-8ppm early, then it will be less as you kill stuff off.

You may run out, but that is a good amount to start.
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The first addition will be large. Depending on the slam level and how green the pool is, it might be 5-8ppm early, then it will be less as you kill stuff off.

You may run out, but that is a good amount to start.
Ok got it. Well it’s not green thankfully. Totally clear just the stupid mustard algae junk scattered around and in the middle.

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