New pressure gauge not changing


Jun 14, 2021
Little Rock, AR
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool RJ-45 Plus
I'm finishing up my SLAM from earlier this week (my 3 y/o SWG cell went out without me noticing and pool turned green 🥲).

Anyway, I installed a new pressure gauge to my sand filter yesterday because the old one was rusted and not working. I have a VSP and rarely turn it on high.

When I installed the new gauge and turned the pump on high, the psi was flickering between 15/16. It never stayed steady (not sure if they're supposed to or not).

I added about 1.5 cups of DE to try to speed up the filtering and the psi never increased or stopped flickering. I let it run overnight and it was the same this morning, flickering with no increase. I went ahead and backwashed it and it still showed the same.

What does it mean if the gauge is flickering and there's no change? It does go to zero if I turn off the pump or turn it to low.

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