Mrs. Bing: Suz here.... You guys have the most amazing pool build. I haven't posted on your thread, because I'm speechless whenever I look at your pictures - a very rare occurrence for Suz!!!
Since Kim brought up my pool, I thought I would try to spare you the agony of wading through my thread and give you my post build thoughts on Blue Granite.
I feel your pain over choosing a color for your pool finish. I AGONIZED over that decision, and I'm still not sure I got it right. My primary choices were the same as yours: Sheen Aqua and Blue Granite. Blue Surf came along too late for me to see any finished pools in person. I'm not a risk taker, so I decided to play it safe and stick to what I could see in person.
Why I chose Blue Granite:
* Pooldv gave me terrific advice when he realized it was going to be impossible for me to decide: He promised that I wouldn't hate Blue Granite, and I might love it or learn to love it! That helped me more than anything.
* I saw a Blue Granite and Aqua Blue pool - 3x each! I liked both. I really liked the fewer 'pepper' speckles in the Aqua Blue, but I let others' comments about it looking like Windex sway me against it.
* My yard is small with the pool being proportionally large, and it's close to my house. I was concerned about a color that might be too bright and stand out too much. I love my pool design, our deck, and our landscaping - as compact as they are. I did NOT want the only thing we see when we looked out to be a water color that obliterated the rest of our back yard.
* Blue Granite seems to be one of the top popular choices, so I felt safe with it.
Do I love Blue Granite?:
* It's too soon in the relationship to say, but for right now, I'm in 'Like' with it and not quite in 'Love' with it.
* The color changes greatly during the different times of day and also depends on clouds and such. There are times when I think it is very, very pretty. Other times it seems blah.
* For my pool, I think it is too green with my glass tile we used. Blue Granite isn't too green, but it looks more so against that tile. I might have liked it better without such a true or bright blue tile next to it.
* My pool water color comes out substantially bluer in pictures than in person. So I don't think looking at my photos is a good guide.
Why I like Blue Granite and am pleased with it:
* It does not stand out and take over enjoying the beauty of the design, deck, and landscaping.
* Some people don't care for how it looks on the steps, sun shelf, and shallow areas. That doesn't bother me in the least. It is definitely more gray looking, but that seems to me to be the natural way of how water should look as in nature - less vivid of color in shallow areas.
What would I have possibly done differently?:
* With the same amount of info I had at the time I had to pull the trigger, nothing.
* Possibly waited a few weeks to see a completed Blue Surf pool. At the time, we were so exhausted by the build that I didn't think we could manage waiting any longer. Blue Surf might have been the perfect compromise between Aqua Blue and Blue Granite, or once I saw it, I may have decided it was too bright of a blue. (beginning to see how wishy-washy I am??? Lol!!!)
* After seeing Spool's pool and Txtommyboy's (I think his is the same as Spool's), I would have truly considered that finish. From the pictures, it looks fabulous to me, absolutely jaw-dropping. I might have even gone with it considering the upgrade in cost and risking it being 'too beautiful' for my yard and close to the house. It truly does dazzle me. But things work out, and I didn't see it until too late. So I'm not mourning not getting it.
* Added double the amount of Shimmering Sea Shells.
* If I stayed with PebbleTec, added the Blue Blend Luminous Beads. Ummgood's pool will be my final verdict on that thought. I think it would have given me just the right amount of extra blue I would have liked and also a little more shine with the beads. They came out like a few days or a week after my plaster.
What I have realized since we're about 2 months past the pool being filled:
* The color doesn't matter to me nearly as much as I thought it would. I wasted a lot of time and energy on the decision. When I look out at the whole area, I beam like a silly old woman! I love it. And when I'm in the water, I love the color and think I would have loved any color. I just absolutely love being in the water!
* There's no reason for me to believe I would have loved another color more.
My suggestions for you - probably worth less than 2 cents:
* You have a huge project - the pool, the area around the pool, the panorama extending behind the pool, and the distance between your pool and house. I think ya'll could easily stand to have a brighter blue for your pool water color. In fact (and I have poor design visualization), I think getting too subtle of a water color might look washed out in the midst of all that hugeness. Hopefully, someone with a better design eye can help you with that. But when you look at pictures on Houzz or Pinterest or in person, keep in mind your particular setting and don't compare it with a much smaller and condensed setting like mine.
* Since you're doing such a grand project, consider Spool's pool finish or others similar. I would not scrimp on the pool finish. In fact, that's an area I wouldn't hesitate to splurge on next time (and I'm cheap, cheap, cheap with non-pool purchases).
* My best decision about the finish was adding the Shimmering Sea Shells. Everyone said they love them, but they NEVER look as good in pictures as they do in person. I'm so glad I went on straight advice and got them. They amaze me when I'm in and out of the pool. They make me smile almost as much as they sparkle.
* Insist on and take the time seeing as many finished pools as possible. You're investing so much - don't let a builder or anyone minimize the value of seeing the pools in person.
And finally:
* You guys have nothing to worry about as far as beauty with your project. It might even look fabulous filled with mud - like warm cocoa!!! Just kidding, but you get my point.
This was long, but far better than wading through my build thread. I hope there's something in here to give you some help. Good luck!!