Mottling appeared after refilling pool for repair during a hot day, possible to fix?


Jan 26, 2016
Hello, this forum has been really helpful with my prior questions. Thanks again.

My PB recently agreed to repair a rebar rust stain. This is like the 5th time rebar stains have appeared during the 9 year lifespan of my pool. PB has been great and covered the repair each time, yay!

This recent repair was done in the height of summer (100+ degree days), and after the pool was refilled a ton of mottling appeared. I had almost no mottling before this, and the pool looked pretty dang good for being 9 year old plaster. Is there anything that can be done about this newly appearing mottling? I assume this happened because it was so hot when the pool was drained?

The same guy that's handled the chemicals for the pool from the start, also handled the startup chemicals this time. I assume that the problem didn't come from startup chemicals?

I took the attached pictures during some rain, so that's why the concrete patio looks so odd.

On 9 year old plaster I would leave well enough alone.

How long has it been since you refilled the pool?
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To me it just looks like an old plaster job. I am surprised that the discoloration wasn't there previously.
Without looking at the pool in person, I am just guessing on this particular problem.
Update here - another rebar stain appeared last week, and my amazing PB will cover the repair again! Happy Day!

With the pool being drained again, could anything be done to reduce the mottling (i.e., acid wash, etc)? Or should I just leave it alone and live with the discoloration?

Thanks again.
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