Liquid Chlorine (Sodium Hypochlorite) vs Trichlore Tablets


New member
Aug 18, 2022
Corfu, Greece
Hi, I add my CYA a when I opened my pool, but due to a heatwave most of this year I have been using a lot of Trichlore Tablets, so I am backwashing to compensate/remove the added CYA in the tablets.
I read that Liquid Chlorine is cheaper however I cannot find any calculations to compare the two options.

If my pool chemical supplier quoted Liquid Chlorine (12%) 1$ per liter (3.78$ / gal) and 5$ per Kg (2.27$ / lb) for Trichlore Tablets.
How do you compare the 2 options? I would love to see the calculations or at least a comparison (i.e. 1L liquid = 100g Tablet)

Any help would be much appreciated.
Take a look at the effects of adding in PoolMath. It will show you how much FC will rise by for a given amount of liquid chlorine / trichlor tablet. You can then use the price to work out how much FC / $ you are getting with each.

You are clearly aware of the FC / CYA ratio needed but generally everybody here uses liquid chlorine due to the issues of rising cya with trichlor (if you are doing a cost comparison don’t forget to include cost of water required to refill the pool when you need to drain because of high cya from trichlor).
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You can get the methodology from these older posts and update it for your costs...

Thanks this was very helpful information for me. It confirms what I thought that the liquid is more expensive, however looking at the CYA my backwash is only dumping about 1.5ppm per week but my triclore is inc. about 6ppm/week. I will have to reconsider my pool chemicals strategy for next year. Stephen
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