Jandy VS e-Pump 2.7 and Pentair IntelliFlo VS, connected to Jandy AquaLink RS-P16


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May 2, 2021
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Jandy Aquapure 1400
I've got 6 Jandy single speed pumps with my pool setup and looking to replace *3* of them with a VS pump. I have a Jandy AquaLink RS-P16 Rev T.2 (2 separate control board/boxes) that controls everything. (I'm not looking to use any kind of JVA or reducing the # of pumps).

My two pumps under consideration which I know will work with my Aqualink RS panels are:
* Jandy VS e-Pump 2.7HP (VSSHP270DV2A)
* Pentair Intelliflo VS (011012 - discontinued?) *or* Pentair Intelliflo VSF (011056 - current?)

Specific questions regarding the Pentair pumps.
1. Either the Pentair Intelliflo VS (011012) or the Pentair Intelliflo VSF (011056) would both work with my Jandy AquaLink RS-P16 Rev T.2, correct?
2. If using the newer Pentair Intelliflo VSF (011056), I'd have to set it for VS only (not VF), correct?
3. The older Pentair Intelliflo VS (011012) is a discontinued pump at this time, correct?
4. The older Pentair Intelliflo VSF (011056) is a 1.88hp pump, correct?
5. The newer Pentair Intelliflo VSF (011056) is a 3hp pump, correct?
6. I would need (3) RS-485 cables from Pentair to connect the Pentair Intelliflo VS (011012) or Pentair Intelliflo VSF (011056) to the RS-485 interfaces on the Jandy AquaLink, correct? If so, any idea on the part number for Pentair RS-485 cable?

General Question.
1. It looks like I will need another RS-485 multiplex board for my Jandy AquaLink RS unit because I only have *1* open RS-485 connector, this is regardless if I go with Jandy VS ePump or Pentair Intelliflo VS, correct? (see attached screenshot) (yes, I read you can "double up" on the RS-485 connections and have 2 devices per connection but I'd rather not do that)
2. This AquaLink Multiplex Board or this https://www.amazon.com/Zodiac-6584-...&sprefix=jandy+multiplex+board,aps,144&sr=8-2 seems to be the right one, correct?

Thanks for answering my above questions!


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1. Either the Pentair Intelliflo VS (011012) or the Pentair Intelliflo VSF (011056) would both work with my Jandy AquaLink RS-P16 Rev T.2, correct?
I have the 011056 pump and it works with AquaLink Rev T.2. On other threads we see that this pump is being phased out and replaced with IntelliFlo3 pumps. We are just seeing some use of those on the forum so limited info on their capability with AquaLink.
2. If using the newer Pentair Intelliflo VSF (011056), I'd have to set it for VS only (not VF), correct?
Yes - it will only work on the VS setting

5. The newer Pentair Intelliflo VSF (011056) is a 3hp pump, correct?
Yes - mine is 3hp purchased in late 2020

6. I would need (3) RS-485 cables from Pentair to connect the Pentair Intelliflo VS (011012) or Pentair Intelliflo VSF (011056) to the RS-485 interfaces on the Jandy AquaLink, correct? If so, any idea on the part number for Pentair RS-485 cable?
The cable came with the pump. You only connect the Green and Yellow wire to the AquaLink PCB RED connector

1. It looks like I will need another RS-485 multiplex board for my Jandy AquaLink RS unit because I only have *1* open RS-485 connector, this is regardless if I go with Jandy VS ePump or Pentair Intelliflo VS, correct? (see attached screenshot) (yes, I read you can "double up" on the RS-485 connections and have 2 devices per connection but I'd rather not do that)
You can double up if you wish. Your PCB should have 2 RED connectors to allow 4 hook ups.
011056 pump is discontinued by Pentair. If you can find one and want it then grab it.

The 011056 pump includes the Pentair Intelliflo 50ft Communication Cable P/N 350122. It is a black cable.
011056 pump is discontinued by Pentair. If you can find one and want it then grab it.

The 011056 pump includes the Pentair Intelliflo 50ft Communication Cable P/N 350122. It is a black cable.

Was that a typo? The 011056 isn't discontinued (yet) according to Pentair's website?? The 011012 seems to already be discontinued however.
Glad to know the 011056 comes with the RS-485 cable.

I'll be ordering up 3 of those 011056 pumps today from my local supplier. His pricing is comparable to what I find online so rather buy local and save some headache.
Strange. It doesn't show as discontinued on Pentair's website when you look at residential pool pumps. (all the discontinued ones are on page 3 of 3) while the 011056 is the first pump listed on page 1.
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