
New member
Jul 22, 2022
Austin, TX
Hi all. My pool has been rock solid until very recently. All levels are pretty spot on, but all of a sudden the water is causing eye irritation. I can't figure out what it is. One person suggested that the non-chlorine oxidizing shock I use might be causing it because some people can be sensitive to it. It's not combined chlorine because it's between 0 and .2. Ph is just right at 7.8. All other numbers are on point. Any help would be appreciated.

12k Above ground
Taylor k-2006 for testing
use NST (non-stabilized chlorine tabs) and liquid chlorine. Use non-chlorine oxidizing shock once a week.
have a poolRX in
Try to keep chlorine at 1 - 1.5 (recommended by poolRX) - chlorine is higher now because I shocked with chlorine shock to try and fix

Free Chlorine - 4.6
Combined Chlorine - 0
pH - 7.8
Total alkalinity - 100
Calcium Hardness - 165
CYA - 43
Copper - .2
CSI - .07
Water temp - 89
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Excellent. Do us a favor…fill out your signature, it’ll help folks help you. There’s a boat load of experts here, they’ll chime in and will need to know your pool info. Make sure to add your K2006 as part of your sig.

Not sure about the cause of irritation. All looks ok to me, but the big (and only) question mark isvthe non-chlorinating shock. I think you will hear people on this one tell you that is the likely issue. I have no experience with it, and it is not something that it is recommended by TFP.

This is a fundamental aspect of TFP. Have a look. And again, welcome!!!
Pool RX is possibly your problem. Contains copper I believe. I'd get that out of there. 1-1.5 FC is not enough with CYA of 50 (I assume you just aren't rounding?).
Those test numbers are pool store generated. Have you tested with your kit and can post those results?

Everything you are buying to chlorinate and oxidize can be done with one product, liquid bleach. There's no reason for the extra expense and hassle of keeping 4 different products, 3 that will eventually add more problems later.
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