How to seal these underwater tile and grout?


New member
Apr 20, 2023
I am in the process of doing the Sider Crete roll-on Plaster to resurface my pool.

The pool steps have these small tiles and grout between them. They will be tape-covered during the replaster phase, but those grout lines in-between will have no plastered and need to be sealed properly.

I am seeking recommendations on how and what to use to fix this problem.

Is there any clear underwater plaster friendly coating for such application?

Thank you.


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I am in the process of doing the Sider Crete roll-on Plaster to resurface my pool.

The pool steps have these small tiles and grout between them. They will be tape-covered during the replaster phase, but those grout lines in-between will have no plastered and need to be sealed properly.

I am seeking recommendations on how and what to use to fix this problem.

Is there any clear underwater plaster friendly coating for such application?

Thank you.
You can dig out the grout and then re apply it. Or just leave the original grout.
I dont know if this is the norm but with my pool, those underwater step and seat tiles were installed without grout because later the plaster was used to fill those gaps and became the “grout” for those tiles.

Here is mine on the day it was plastered:IMG_7629.jpegIMG_7655.jpeg
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