Hot tub sanitation - are there calcium hypochlorite tablets??


Well-known member
Jul 3, 2020
Chicago, IL
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Pentair Intellichlor IC-40
Been using the liquid bleach method on our new hot tub a few weeks now. Initially, used the dichlor granules until CYA reached 30. Now, we have to add liquid bleach daily to keep it at our target of 5-6ppm, which I have to say is getting to be cumbersome. Is there a way to consistently add calcium hypochlorite daily via a tablet/feeder? I am having trouble finding any online. If you know of any tablet without stabilizer, please let me know. Thank you!
Been using the liquid bleach method on our new hot tub a few weeks now. Initially, used the dichlor granules until CYA reached 30. Now, we have to add liquid bleach daily to keep it at our target of 5-6ppm, which I have to say is getting to be cumbersome. Is there a way to consistently add calcium hypochlorite daily via a tablet/feeder? I am having trouble finding any online. If you know of any tablet without stabilizer, please let me know. Thank you!
Calcium Hypochlorite tablets exists. Usually marketed at Non Stabalized tablets. Be careful with calcium levels though. They raise CH the same way tricolor pucks raise CYA
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First rule of using cal-hypo tablets is to never use a feeder that's had trichlor in it. Residual trichlor can react badly with the cal-hypo. So you'll want to get a new feeder if you attempt to use them.

Something to keep in mind is that the cal-hypo tabs are a bit finicky and designed to slowly dissolve in a pool with a water temperature of 80-90 degrees. In a hot tub they may dissolve much faster, so trying to use them to not have to dose as much may be a losing proposition. Another option that may be worth looking in to would be the Saltron Mini SWG.
I 2nd the swg suggestion. It does the daily maintaining of fc. You still may need to supplement with liquid chlorine after use especially if it’s more than a quick 1 person soak. It certainly makes periods away from the tub a breeze. I ❤️ My saltron mini 😊
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