Helping a friend: This should be a good one

Sorry if this was asked before, I didn't want to reread all 14 pages of this thread. What kind of DE have you been using, pic?
It's a big white box from Home Depot. 2'x1.5'x1' approx. I imagine they don't sell that many different kinds.

After my lunch visit I have decided to alum floc again. Plan is to add this evening, settle overnight, brush to deep end tomorrow (gently), then vacuum Saturday morning. Trying to collect in the deep end for smaller vacuum area. Will bump up chlorine a bit before adding floc also.

Oh, and I know why the directions say bump up pH to 8.0. Alum floc drops pH like a bad habit. So will also adjust that before adding.
I appreciate the kind words. I'm more stubborn than nice :)

I have a video of the alum going in, it's pretty cool, uploading today. Stopping by mid afternoon, if it is settled give it a round of gentle brushing to the deep end. Hopefully it's settled enough in the evening for one more gentle brushing, then we'll vacuum tomorrow.

e: Here we go. Sorry for the sideways camera and the shaky video. I still think it's cool though. Also shows how powerful the pump/returns are.
Nice video of the alum introduction to the pool. I always just took those buckets and poured them in by walking around the pool edge a couple of times. Either way works I guess. Good luck on the last 10%. I have also had to do it a couple of times. After this addition you probably will see it over the whole bottom of the pool again.

The blue color on the whole pool pics looks great.


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After 24 hr it was completely settled. I got in and COBrien, good idea and I tried it (4pm), but I don't think the squeegee was much better than a brush. Got pretty cloudy pretty quick, but I mostly got the shallow end and most of the transition cleared. Just heard it has settled 3 hrs later. One vacuum tonight, one in the morning, I'll be by mid afternoon, and I'm hoping that gets close enough we can call it. Updates coming, of course.

My phone is terrible, sorry.
Note the thermometer? Previously unseen.

"We" were ready to do a victory lap until "we" pulled the light fixture out. Oops. That's a rookie mistake on my part. We'll see what the chlorine and filter can do with that overnight.

In better news, the quarter was tails. :)

Until the light niche had one last stand. :hammer:
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Well, better now than a week from now. Just think, all seems good, you let the FC drop to a normal level and then WAMMO!! out from the light niche crawls the GREEN MEANY!!! What would our intrepid hero do then! More SLAMming.
I'm calling this one done. I appreciate the support and advice from you all, especially the following posters.


This is for wbrober0

This was a much greater challenge than I anticipated, but as difficult as it was, the satisfaction was 3 times more. Thanks again to all.

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Thanks for the kudos, Mr. Bruce. I am just paying it back. That pool looks great and those pics of the pool with the noodles means that you are swimming in it, yes? Most excellent. Enjoy, you have certainly earned and are a good friend. As I recall the title of this thread says it all -- Helping a friend.

Take care and good luck with it.

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