Help in understanding my multifunction valve

Thanks for the help, I needed to leave home. I will do this tomorrow. Just to confirm I understand. Closing it at 6 would be closing the drain. Is that what I want? I wanted to close it at 3
We are having terminology difference. Please post a wider picture so I can see where all three pipes go to confirm.

The side opposite the handle is closed. When handle is at 3, all are open. When handle is at 6, top pipe is closed. When handle is at 12, that is normal operation and water will flow from top pipe to right pipe.
Look carefully at the handle and valve stem. One "tooth" (opposite the handle) and one stem-slot are smaller. They match. You can see the "stops" on the lid that limits the range of motion. If the handle turns the stem so that the handle point straight up or down (which ever way it can turn from horizontal) it closes the valve and stops flow. Be sure to open the valve before turning the pump on.
Hi, I will try this tomorrow. Now I understand what you mean. So it is impossible for me to have the handle at 9 o clock, it won’t turn to reach that point. I am unsure now, but to be able to open the pump to clean the basket, I think I would need to close it to 9 o clock so that this way I am closing the pipe that goes to the pump? I only can have the handle at 3,6 and 12 o clock.

Now that you mention, handle at 12 o clock that is how it should be normal operation? Wouldn’t it be at 3? All pipes open.
Here or a wider picture:

Two questions: is this the right position for normal operation?

Which way does the handle needs to be in order to be able to open my pump to clean the basket safely? Handle is at 3 o clock now (all open)


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if I put my handle at 12 o clock I would be closing the drain. Is that normal operation? Wouldn’t it be all lines open? I am overly confused.

Handle at 6 closes the skimmer. I thought I wanted to close the pump? I am not getting it
I was able to close the pump valve by lifting the handle and putting it back on bypassing the stoppers. I successfully cleaned my basket.

Thank you
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