Gurgling bubbling jets


Bronze Supporter
Mar 15, 2022
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Pentair iChlor 30
Hello pool people.

the pump came on this morning at 8 while I was out and I came home at 10 to find two of the four return jets gurgling and releasing air bubbles.

I opened the air release valve on top of the filter and plenty of air shot out.
I waited till it spit water. The jets were still bubbling.
Now I just turned the pump off and turned to you guys.
How bad is this?
any thoughts?

As long as you have good water flow back to the pool, I don't see much of an issue.

If you have a VS pump, I'd crank it up to 3K, or so, and see if you can blow any air out of the lines.

SWCG's can generate bubbles and depending on the plumbing they can get trapped in the pipes.

I assume your filter pressure is normal now???

I suggest that you make sure the pump basket stays full when you shut off the pump. If it leaks back into the pool overnight, it will cause a lot of bubbles.


Jim R.
Thank you Jim.

I’ll try running at 3000 speed for a while
How long would you suggest running at that speed?

I just vacuumed yesterday and ran on quick clean for an hour, at 2300.

everything was fine.

the SWG isn’t generating anything.
I have a faulty flow switch and am waiting for a replacement to arrive.

it isn’t detecting any salt in the pool, even tho the salt level is fine, so it’s not making any chlorine.
im currently floating chlorine tabs To maintain a good level.
Update and correction.
quick clean speed is 3050, not 2300.

the SWG was still set at 30% so I brought it down to 0.
since it’s not doing anything.

i shut off all the valves and opened the pump trap basket.
it had no air trapped in it at all.

turned everything back on, hit quick clean at 3050 speed and immediately no more gurgling or bubbles.

todays problem solved.

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