External vacuum with floc and cartridge filter


New member
May 9, 2024
Hey guys, glad I found this place. I bought a new house with a swimming pool and the pool is green for 9 months since then. I took the water sample to Leslie with their automatic test and adjusted chemical accordingly. Finally I put 5 gallons of liquid chlorine but it did not help. It’s hard to brush the wall because it’s green for long. I just purchased 15lb floc and plan to use it together with another 5 chlorine and test fc every hour, if it drops I add another gallon. Also I plan to shut off the filter and use the external vacuum I bought from Amazon which I frequently used to vacuum the bottoms. May I ask does it work? I am concerned about if the vacuum can effectively pull the dirt out without clogging its own mesh.


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Hey guys, glad I found this place. I bought a new house with a swimming pool and the pool is green for 9 months since then. I took the water sample to Leslie with their automatic test and adjusted chemical accordingly. Finally I put 5 gallons of liquid chlorine but it did not help. It’s hard to brush the wall because it’s green for long. I just purchased 15lb floc and plan to use it together with another 5 chlorine and test fc every hour, if it drops I add another gallon. Also I plan to shut off the filter and use the external vacuum I bought from Amazon which I frequently used to vacuum the bottoms. May I ask does it work? I am concerned about if the vacuum can effectively pull the dirt out without clogging its own mesh.
Welxome! Do not use the floc. Itll cause even more problems. If youre pool is green, its a chemical issue of inadequate chlorine.

Unfortunately, Leslies is pretty terrible at water testing and so we dont trust any of their water test results. Get your pwn test kit and we can help clear the water.

Heres your test kit options (the TF-100 series is the best option for TFP):
Thanks for your reply! Yes I understand I need to continually dump a lot of chlorine and keep monitoring the chemical levels by testing. However at some point the dead algae and dirt need to settle down to the bottom and go out of poor. And I don’t thin by circulating them to the filter will resolve the issue unless I wash the filter everyday until the water is clear which is not practical. My simple question is if the external vacuum working with the floc? Or it’s impossible to get floc to work with cartridge filter pool at all even I have both external vacuum and external water pump.
Thanks for your reply! Yes I understand I need to continually dump a lot of chlorine and keep monitoring the chemical levels by testing. However at some point the dead algae and dirt need to settle down to the bottom and go out of poor. And I don’t thin by circulating them to the filter will resolve the issue unless I wash the filter everyday until the water is clear which is not practical. My simple question is if the external vacuum working with the floc? Or it’s impossible to get floc to work with cartridge filter pool at all even I have both external vacuum and external water pump.
You can use the vaccum and itll be fine but the floc will cause issues, especially do not run the pump or filter until you vacuum all of the floc out. But the floc wont help your algae problem.

Do you have one of the test kits? Look up the SLAM process on TFP for a detailed description of how to clear the pool.
My simple question is if the external vacuum working with the floc?
I don't think it's robust enough beacuse it's a light duty cleaner and you are talking about a heavy heavy duty project.

If it does happen to work, it'll be clogged/full every other swipe and take forever.
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