Dumped the muck from the winter cover into the pool :(


Jun 23, 2021
Toledo OH
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
Hi everyone,

Found this site last year as new-to-us pool owners. It saved my sanity...thank you!
On Sunday, 5/15 we removed most of the winter muck off the top of the winter cover. We had the cover pulled back all but one corner (the pool looked beautiful!). Removed as much water and debris as possible then heave-hoed the cover out of the pool.

Well, what was remaining in the cover happily dumped into our pool. Leaf litter, bird poop, and lots of green (algae?). 😭

We immediately added 2 gallons of 12.5% liquid chlorine. Then another gallon a couple of hours later. The water is cloudy now. Ran the filter for about 6 hours.

I've netted out piles of debris. There's still a bit but I can't get it with the net. And there's a lot of heavy (mossy/algae particles). I've swept the entire pool and I started vacuum to waste this afternoon.

I'm having a problem with vacuuming...within 30 seconds, the water flow stops. Flip the valve to backwash and it takes about a minute for the flow to return. I've done this 3 times and thought it best to stop and ask for some input.

Pics of pool (albeit, you can't see much) attached.

The vacuum attachment is similar to this:
Vacuum plate

I'm not sure what to do. Is the pool too dirty to run the filter? Should I run it for 24+ hours and see how much it can clear up? I do want to get the muck out of the bottom of the pool asap, but losing the water flow so quickly has me scratching my head.

Would it make sense to even test the water right now?

Thanks for any input you can provide!
Take care,


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Welcome to TFP! :wave: You have a good test kit already, so you're a head of the game. :goodjob: Prepare the chemistry for a SLAM Process. It's all on that page. If you have questions ask. For now, scoop out as much junk as you can. You can vacuum to waste on occasion, but watch the water level and be aware it may change your chemistry. Lastly, run the filter but watch and backwash when the pressure increases by 25%. If you have to leave the house and are concerned about pressure, run it on recirculate until you get back. Eventually you'll get ahead of this thing and it will settle down.
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Welcome to TFP! :wave: You have a good test kit already, so you're a head of the game. :goodjob: Prepare the chemistry for a SLAM Process. It's all on that page. If you have questions ask. For now, scoop out as much junk as you can. You can vacuum to waste on occasion, but watch the water level and be aware it may change your chemistry. Lastly, run the filter but watch and backwash when the pressure increases by 25%. If you have to leave the house and are concerned about pressure, run it on recirculate until you get back. Eventually you'll get ahead of this thing and it will settle down.
Thanks TexasSplash! Any thoughts on the vac issue? I can’t run it for more than 30 secs before the water flow stops.
I can’t run it for more than 30 secs before the water flow stops.
I wonder if you don't have a partial clog in the suction line from everything sucked-up already. You might try pushing water backwards from the pump to the skimmer just to check. Another thought is the unknown about the sand in the filter. It may need a dep clean. But for now, try and flush the suction line and try to vacuum any large debris straight to waste. Vacuum to filter when you're down to the finer stuff.
You might try pushing water backwards from the pump to the skimmer just to check.
Do you mean set the filter to backwash? If no, how do I push water backwards?

Have you done a deep clean of the filter? I am thinking it is kind of gunked up for it to stop that fast. Have you cleaned out the basket in front of the pump?
Yes, have cleaned and rinsed the filter a couple of times. Forgot about the basket, I'll check that now, thanks!

Are you sucking in air?
I did the first time, but the subsequent vac attempts I had filled the hose with water.
Do you mean set the filter to backwash? If no, how do I push water backwards?
No. Pump off. Open lid, stick garden hose into inlet port where water enters pot and push it backwards towards the skimmer.
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Outstanding! :goodjob:


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OH MY! That looks awesome!!!!

Now forget about the pool..........I want to see and hear more about the buildings and rock structure! That all looks SO neat!!!! Pics and stories about them pretty please!
Ahhh yes, a lot of history here. :)

This pool (and home) is 67 years old and has been very well taken care of. All of the backyard structures were built by my boyfriend's father (who lived here for 47 years). 3rd generation of family living here now. I feel honored - what a special space! Many memories (and parties lol) are held by my boyfriend and his family (this is he and his brother's childhood home).

I couldn't load the video of the backyard so here's a link to view it:
You can just see the love that went into building all of that! Do you live there now with your BF? What are each of the buildings? Does the fireplace work? I could love to make a pizza in there then some s'mors!!
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