Central Michigan AGP and Deck Install

I think that it looks great. I really like the way the deck goes over the pool. I would only be concerned with two things with it. The fact that it is connected to your house,(it is isn't it?) and the fact that it goes over your pool (even though I like it). The reason being frost heave. Ground does heave with frost, I would say Michigan would definitely see that. What do you think about it?
texas girl....thanks!

sevver....the deck is free-floating very near the house and pool, but not attached to either.

the deck will move up & down a little with frost heave, but we think there's enough clearance to not be a problem.
I'm installing a pool very similar to the one you are doing. I had to dig out about 24 inch on one side and just about none on the other. Now I see you filled in the sides with dirt where you had to dig it out to get the pool in. Is that suggested to do that. With the dirt against the pool side like that? Because I was thinking of doing the same thing just was not sure if it would be ok. And on the deck I found the same sight for the plans. Yours look great! I hope mine turns out just as nice. But I would like to add privacy fencing to my deck, about 1/3 of it (don't want to see the neighbors). Do you think I should dig the post out and use concert or will the dek-block be ok. With the wind and all. That is my concern.



Any help and/or suggests would be great. :-D
You would definitely want to dig the posts in and concrete the ones that would have the privacy fence attached to them, it may not even hurt to put the ones closer to the pool in line with the fence in concrete too so that you can cross brace to them and have more stability for the wind to withstand. I tend to overkill when in doubt, especially when it would be a catastrophe if damage occured.
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