Caretaker In-floor Pop-ups...not popping!

I have owned an inground pool (10k gallon) (6 years) that uses floor pop-ups to clean the pool. I did a Caretaker rebuild kit about 4 years ago when it stopped cycling, and all went well. Recently I noticed that the Caretaker pressure was high (over 30+ psi) and the pop-ups where not functioning. Checked strainer cup…not clogged. Floor pop-ups working well...Took apart Caretaker, nothing wrong with pistons and O-rings, cam assembly appeared okay, but I didn’t focus too much on it since it spun relatively with ease. Didn’t check gears (bonehead move). When I put it back together it worked only for a few minutes, went through the 5 pop-up zones once…and then the pressure shot up again and it stopped cycling. When I now remove Caretaker, I will take a much closer look at the gears…since (with my limited experience) I believe there must be something wrong with the cam assembly for it to stop cycling in such a fashion.

Would you just do another rebuild kit to change the cam assembly, forget messing with it and just buy a new Caretaker or could it be something else that I am missing that is causing this issue?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Joe – just starting out in the pool owner world.
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From your description, it sounds like the gearset may be binding. This could be the gearset itself or the water distribution valve being worn. It may be best to open the water valve up, check for excessive freeplay or binding and determine which part is causing the issue.

I suggest you have a look thru Pool Care Basics and maybe the videos at TFP-TV
While these won't help with the IFCS issue, they will help you better care for your pool in a budget friendly and trouble free way.
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