First day as a member and this is my second question.

I currently have a 2010 Rev 5 Aqualink PDA-P4 and the general consensus (aka best value) advise on this forum is to use the iAqualink upgrade kit to modernise the system.

It appears this upgrade is a Pool and Spa upgrade and there is no Pool Only upgrade available (as far as I can tell).

Is there a Pool Only or Spa Only upgrade available?

Is it a disadvantage to use a Pool and Spa Version when I do not ever intend to use the Spa functionality?

Thanks is advise for any advise you can provide.

Many thanks.

If your PDA board was a rev 6, you could have gotten away with just the iAqualink alone.

3 different ways to go here...

Buy the bundle and just live with having "SPA" on the display and in the menus. least expensive way to go.


You can get the bundle, call Jandy, have them send you the chip for a single body of water to swap out, BUT you MUST have a Jandy warranty station come out to make the chip swap to keep the warranty intact for the iQ bundle (He will probably charge you to do this).


Buy just the iQ by itself without the board, and purchase separately the correct (single body) board. This is a real expensive way to go, i wouldn't do it, or recommend this option.
Your advise "Buy the bundle and just live with having "SPA" on the display and in the menus. least expensive way to go" seems acceptable - BUT are there any programming issues other than the fact that SPA will display (I can live with that). That is - will it in anyway limit any functionality i would otherwise have with the Pool Only version?
Having "SPA" option gives the following:
Turns the heater on to a (in your case) second thermostat preset.
Sends valve rotation signal to 2 valve actuator sockets on the board.
Disables the cleaner circuit for the time that the system is in "SPA" mode. This is a option that can be disabled ** , default is enabled.
You can also program the SPA button for daily running as you would for the pool. Probably no advantage in doing that, but its there.

If you were to get the single body chip, the sockets would be disabled, but you would still have two heater presets, only now they would be labeled HI TEMP and LOW or LO TEMP, I believe POOL would be replaced with LO TEMP and SPA with HI TEMP. So really, with the chip U/G you get close to the same function(s) only with different labels.

** You can disable the cleaner lock out with a DIP switch. I think it is #1. The switch key is on a sticker on the inside of the door.
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